Jordan, Palestine, Israel..

I just have a brief question about media coverage in USA (and the rest of the world) conserning the middle east conflict. Here in norway where 70% of the journalists vote red (and that is not as in democrats in the US or labour in UK… more like a middle way between labour and the marxists… :wink: ), and that is quite noticable when it comes to middle east coverage.

The spesific question I had in mind was the Jordan-problem. Is the fact that 75-80% of the original are agreed on to be Palestine now is part of Jordan mentioned in the news? is it part of the debate?

Not really answering you question, but are you including the old Kingdom of Transjordan in Palestine? I thought they were different entities, both coming out of the Turkish empire. Palestine is now Israel and the Gaza/Occupied Territories, Transjordan the Kingdom of Jordan.

I’ve not seen it mentioned in the msm as of late.

More current I have noted that the Palestinian Authority in Gaza is preparing to outlaw dancing and homosexuality.