Jihad Wins One

Because of the Great Satan and the Zionist pig-apes of Israel, Islam has been forced to wrest away control of more land from the Philippines.

I imagine that the occupation of Philipino land, now turned into an Islamist state, will rank up there with Israel? Probably not. But anyways, score one victory for the Jihad. Capitulation for peace. At least until the next time they demand even more land.

[i]Philippines in ‘separatist deal’

The borders deal caps four years of negotiations amid a fragile truce
The Philippines government says it has reached an agreement with the country’s main Islamic separatist group on boundaries for a Muslim homeland.[i]

WTF?! I was on Basilan and Mindinao 5 years ago and we were kicking the piss out of the MILF and Abu Sayef. The Phillipine military is so damned pathetic if they are losing.


MILF heh heh heh

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
MILF heh heh heh[/quote]

We used to point at women and tell them they were MILF. They’d get all scared at swear up and down that they weren’t. Then we would laugh at them and they would be confused.


The Moro’s have been fighting for decades. They are the reason why the US army adopted the Colt 1911 as it’s standard side arm.

This insurgency was been going on before the US invaded the Phillipnes during the Spanish American war. I don’t get how you are blaming the Israelis for this Sloth. Care to explain?

[quote]Sifu wrote:
The Moro’s have been fighting for decades. They are the reason why the US army adopted the Colt 1911 as it’s standard side arm.

This insurgency was been going on before the US invaded the Phillipnes during the Spanish American war. I don’t get how you are blaming the Israelis for this Sloth. Care to explain?[/quote]

Heh, sarcasm was all it was. It doesn’t always translate well on a forum.

He is not blaming Israel, but comparing Israel’s occupation of muslim land with the muslims occupying Philipino land. Am I correct here, Sloth?

[quote]Gkhan wrote:
He is not blaming Israel, but comparing Israel’s occupation of muslim land with the muslims occupying Philipino land. Am I correct here, Sloth?[/quote]

Yes, that was one aspect of it. Will it be the new cause for a number of our anti-occupationist?

If the nation can prove it’s legitimacy with good human rights (…it could happen… maybe) and respect for the boundaries, I see no real problem here. It’s just that… we kinda know they won’t.

My bad. With so many members of the tin hat brigade on this board it is sometimes hard to tell who is kidding.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Gkhan wrote:
He is not blaming Israel, but comparing Israel’s occupation of muslim land with the muslims occupying Philipino land. Am I correct here, Sloth?

Yes, that was one aspect of it. Will it be the new cause for a number of our anti-occupationist? [/quote]

Of course not. The muslims set up “a state” not the Jews.

Sifu, what is your take on this whole situation?

My take is: they gave in, just like Spain. There was a bombing in the Philipines the other day, actually targeting a muslim law maker if I am not mistaken, and possibly the govt. said “enough with these bombings…let’s give the muslim terrorists what they want (so they can continue to terrorize us and continue to gain more land).”

This should come as no real surprise. I mean shit, the Philippine Army had one truck driver captured and held for ransom and their government cowered like a pissing puppy, agreed to the Insurgent demands and pulled their 100 troops out of Iraq. Pussies.

Radical Islam only needs one thing: Death from above.

From the article:

“Analysts say the Philippine and US governments hope a peace settlement with MILF could stop the Mindanao region becoming a base for militants linked to al-Qaeda.”

Yeah, like Muslims have been known to keep truces…what do you think? Are there any chances of this actually happening? Do you think the area will be free of al-qaeda or islamic extremists in general?

(Musarraf signed a truce with Waziristan tribal leaders to keep it free from al-qaeda and we all know what happened there.)

[quote]gatesoftanhauser wrote:
This should come as no real surprise. I mean shit, the Philippine Army had one truck driver captured and held for ransom and their government cowered like a pissing puppy, agreed to the Insurgent demands and pulled their 100 troops out of Iraq. Pussies.[/quote]

Yeah, I could go on for hours about how big a bunch of turds the AFP was. The Phillipine Marines and the Army Scout Rangers were pretty squared away though. I Had some AFP guys in my truck on a patrol once and I ask the guy if he ever cleans his M16. Dude looks at me and says sure, pulls out a rag from the hole in his pistol grip and wipes it down.

Once I picked my jaw up off the floor I took his rifle and asked if he ever took it apart. Dude freaked out thinking I would break it when I broke it down shotgun style. I pull his bolt and bolt carrier out and it was so rusted that his bolt was missing a tooth. I scrubbed it really quick with a Mk19 bore brush, threw some CLP on it and put it back together. He looked at me and smiled, “Huh? no stoppages!!”

Their entire army is a bunch of losers. That’s why Martin Burnham is dead today.


[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
We used to point at women and tell them they were MILF. They’d get all scared at swear up and down that they weren’t. Then we would laugh at them and they would be confused. [/quote]

I guess that’s how you build a reputation…

[quote]gatesoftanhauser wrote:
I mean shit, the Philippine Army had one truck driver captured and held for ransom and their government cowered like a pissing puppy, agreed to the Insurgent demands and pulled their 100 troops out of Iraq. [/quote]

How does one round up 51 engineers, medics, and troops to 100 troops?


I haven’t studied much of the current situation with the Moro’s. But there is a lot of good background information in a series of reports the New York Times produced on the Lodge committee in 1902. If you want to get a historical perspective.

During the Spanish administration of the Phillipines the Moro’s were left to themselves and had their own Sultanate. When the US tried to bring them altogether under one central Phillipino government things got ugly.

It got so bad that the American navy used drive battleships right up to Moro villages and cut lose with everything they had. I would say that if any Muslim group has a reason to hold a grudge against the US it’s the Moro’s. Making peace with them is an accomplishment.

Even though it was over a hundred years ago the testimony before the Lodge Committee has a familiar ring to it. Especially “the water cure” which was used to make prisoners more talkative.


And let’s not forget the infamous Marcos…

One of them almost disemboweled Imelda Marcos.

One of the first westerners the Moro Kali practitioners killed was Ferdinand Magellan in the 1521.

This has been going on for a while.

End the occupation?