Well, allow me to chime in - @Jewbacca probably won’t like what I’m going to write, but here we go. First some background - I have family in Israel, visited it quite a few times and have worked extensively in the Middle East.
I don’t think that in US media it’s possible to have a objective discussion about Israel and it’s security/political issues - I remember Jon Stewart (yes, the evil one) saying that even statements by Jewish Knesset MPs fall out of the acceptable scope of US discourse about Israel, which is ultimately detrimental to Israel itself.
Of course, when I’m talking about “acceptable score of discourse” I’m excluding alt-right creeps like the resident one here and staggeringly naive leftist students who decide to support the Palestinians because it’s their “safe rebellious phase” and consequently socialize with fascist radical Islamists.
The ugly fact is that Israel has no idea what to do with the Occup…I mean “Judea and Samaria” since 1967. I’ve read about the exchange between Moshe Dayan and Rabin as the paratroopers reached the Wall in which Rabin asked about the Arabs living in newly conquered territories - “Oh, they’ll leave in the next few days” was allegedly the dismissive reply by Dayan. Guess what - they didn’t leave. And that created a myriad of problems.
So despite some Israeli politicians paying lip service to the “two state solution”, that’s pretty much bullshit, which can easily be confirmed just by glancing at the map. That’s why Netanyahu and Israel are prepared for the state of “perpetual conflict” because there’s no way the Palestinians are supposed to acquiesce to a smattering of micro Bantustans supposedly forming a “Palestinian” state squeezed between Israeli settlements, highways and military zones. And Israel believes that they can always leverage sufficient military force and security measures to keep the terrorism in West Bank and Gaza down to acceptable levels.
Of course, all of this could have been avoided if the Arab states accepted and integrated Arabs from Palestine - it happened numerous times in the Mediterranean basin even in the 20th century - Greeks from Asia Minor, Pieds-noirs (French settlers) from Algeria etc were accepted and absorbed in their respective national countries…
But since pretty much every Arab hates the Palestinians - despite ostensibly fighting for their rights - numerous Arab leaders were more than happy to keep generations of Arab “refugees” living in squalid camps, using them when they saw fit and as a prop when they had to flash their pan-Arab credentials by calling for the destruction of Israel.
So, no - there’s no solution.