Well I’m off to Japan on thursday this week and am gonna be in Kyoto and Tokyo for a few days, anything in particular I should see?
I’m sure someone out there has sonme suggestions?
Well I’m off to Japan on thursday this week and am gonna be in Kyoto and Tokyo for a few days, anything in particular I should see?
I’m sure someone out there has sonme suggestions?
In Kyoto check out Kiyo Mizu temple. Very nice. Also try to check out the cherry Blossoms as this is Hanami(cherry blossom picnic) time. Basically an excuse to get liquored up in the park on a sunny day and eat lots of nice food!!
Have fun.
I just got back from Japan 2 weeks ago. It was increadible! Do you know Japanese? It helps a little. If not get one of those quick books or CD sets, and pack a little in your head. Visit as many temples as you can in Kyoto. Eat as much as you can. (I know this is blasphemous, but screw your diet while you are there). Hook up with a Japanese girl, if you can.
It is a very high T-society over there. Flight attendants are still called stewardesses, and are still sex symbols. Males get a pretty royal treatment.
Good luck and have a great time!
Thanks guys, I’m getting really excited about going now. I really don’t know what to expect when I get there. The first week we’re staying in a village in the north of the country as the guests of local mayor/karate instructor, so we should be getting a look at rural life, then we’re off to the big cities for the second week.
Man I can’t wait to get there, although the 11 hour flight may kill me!
Well for starters, bring your wallet. I’d suggest you see a sumo match. It is MUCH cooler in person than that crap you see on ESPN. The actual buildup to the fight that you don’t see on TV is really quite cool. If you get the chance to climb Fuji, do it. I was there twice and it was snowed in. Go to Roppongi and have some beers at Gas Panic. A great bar with the “least” expensive beer with hot chicks everywhere and UFC playing on the TVs. Buy a T-shirt with Japanese english on it. That is some funny shit. If you go to a sushi bar, don’t order the “Very Young Yellow Tail” and laugh histerically, some of them know exactly what you’re talking about, even if it is on the menu. Other than that, get lucky. I know the Japanese girls I slept with were the best I’ve ever had. Absolute minxes, the lot of them.
By the way, I second Fnord…all you have to do is utter a few little bit of Japanese and the locals will LOVE you.
Visit www.engrish.com for a primer.
Sayanara - go to karaoke bars they are funny as shit!!
In Kyoto: Kiyo Mizu temple is great (Spiderman knows)
Also, Ryoanji temple has a world famous Zen rock garden that is cool. Just down the road is Ginkakuji & Kinkakuji (the gold & silver temples) that are beautiful and shouldn’t be missed. as a bonus the cherry blossoms will be all over the temple grounds.
All of these can easily be hit in one day.
In Tokyo: walk around Shibuya for a taste of youth culture. Any style you can imagine. Also the best record shops anywhere in the world.
The imperial palace is pretty cool, and from there its a 15 minute walk to the Ginza where at the Sony Bldg you can see all the tech gear that won’t be sold in the US for another 5 years.
Also the Sumo stadium is a 10 minute train ride from Tokyo Station(next to imperial palace).
Pick up a copy of Metropolis magazine or check it out online here:
Its a free guide in English to clubs, concerts, sports etc…
Hope this helps,
Let me know if you want further tips on the best clubs etc… in Tokyo. I just moved from there last year.