I've Been Bumped from Best Man

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Weddings are difficult enough without having to worry about pissing off your friends with stupid little things like this. The way to be the best man and best friend here is to do whatever it is your friend needs you to do, and not worry about your own ego and place.[/quote]


You should be in mourning.

Your friend owes you an apology. I think you’re right to be pissed but you should also suck it up and let him off the hook for the move. You can be right and still not make a deal out of it and be the better person for it.

The peanut gallery here is full of shit.

The guy getting married is a moron for asking his grandfather to be his best man while drunk. He then became a fucking pussy for not manning up and admitting to his grandfather that he doesn’t really want him as his best man and really only said it because he was drunk. He’s also an asshole for booting one of his friends from the wedding party.

The OP is venting. Last I checked, men were still “allowed” to do that.

To the OP: You absolutely can not back out of the wedding if you are as close to the guy as you say. That is a friendship-killer in my book. Saying that you’re thinking about it is why everyone is calling you a bitch/whiner/chick/etc. If it were me, I would make it known to my friend that booting one of the guys off of the wedding party is fucking bullshit and leave it in his hands to make good. I’d leave my feelings about getting demoted to myself.

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Plus, I won’t have to wear a “tangerine and wasabi” dress.


You don’t have to, but you should…not over and over but just once…kind of like smelling a glove…

Dont pull a Michael Scott, hahaha that shit is funny. If you dont watch the office, the dude makes every wedding all about him…Just chill, bro

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
He did you a favor. Going TO a wedding is bad enough. Being IN the wedding (when it’s not your own) is a pain in the ass.[/quote]

What the hell are you talking about?! I’ve never been to a wedding and not had an awesome time! I’ve been to 10 or so weddings and they’ve all been great. I’ve been in 3 weddings and they were just as great.

The money you have to lay out kinda sucks but if you’re IN the wedding, what’s a few hundred bucks between good friends? Especially when you know it’s coming back to you when you get married, what’s the difference?

Weddings. Fucking. Rock.

I’m sorry, I just really, really love weddings.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
He did you a favor. Going TO a wedding is bad enough. Being IN the wedding (when it’s not your own) is a pain in the ass.[/quote]

What the hell are you talking about?! I’ve never been to a wedding and not had an awesome time! I’ve been to 10 or so weddings and they’ve all been great. I’ve been in 3 weddings and they were just as great.

The money you have to lay out kinda sucks but if you’re IN the wedding, what’s a few hundred bucks between good friends? Especially when you know it’s coming back to you when you get married, what’s the difference?

Weddings. Fucking. Rock.

I’m sorry, I just really, really love weddings.[/quote]

This x 1000. Weddings are the best. The only hassle is traveling to them.

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
He did you a favor. Going TO a wedding is bad enough. Being IN the wedding (when it’s not your own) is a pain in the ass.[/quote]

What the hell are you talking about?! I’ve never been to a wedding and not had an awesome time! I’ve been to 10 or so weddings and they’ve all been great. I’ve been in 3 weddings and they were just as great.

The money you have to lay out kinda sucks but if you’re IN the wedding, what’s a few hundred bucks between good friends? Especially when you know it’s coming back to you when you get married, what’s the difference?

Weddings. Fucking. Rock.

I’m sorry, I just really, really love weddings.[/quote]

This x 1000. Weddings are the best. The only hassle is traveling to them.[/quote]

Yeah. Weddings can be a shit ton of fun. I had to travel 1000 miles to Wisconsin for one once though. I was pretty young so the expenses weren’t up to me so it didn’t matter. I’ve been in quite a few and they were all a blast. The day in itself is like a natural turn on for women too. It’s ridiculously easy to hook up at a wedding. I’m tied down now but still…if you’re single, it’s awesome for that. Free open bar is always great too though.

Thanks for your first post btw Steel. Good stuff. And from a Steelers fan no doubt…who woulda thought?

Weddings are a blast. Planning them is not. Dealing with people bitching about your planning makes the planning even worse. When I did my wedding planning, the worst part was trying to deal with everyone wanting things a certain way, even if it wasn’t MY way.

Also, wearing a tangerine and wasabi bridesmaid dress would NEVER be a blast.

You should demand that you get to bang the bride before the groom does on their wedding night…make sure gramps doesn’t stumble in after your buddy’s been drinking and beat you to the punch…last thing I want to see is another one of your ghey whiny threads bitching about having to take sloppy seconds and then trying to convince us you’re not ghey or whiny…

why not make room for said friend? just, add a spot for the new best man and stand at attention during the ceremony

[quote]sen say wrote:
You should demand that you get to bang the bride before the groom does on their wedding night…make sure gramps doesn’t stumble in after your buddy’s been drinking and beat you to the punch…last thing I want to see is another one of your ghey whiny threads bitching about having to take sloppy seconds and then trying to convince us you’re not ghey or whiny…[/quote]

Anthony acknowledges your disrespect and still loves you.

I’ve also already banged 1/2 of the brides party.

Weddings may be a blast to some, but I look at the half dozen friends and family whose weddings I attended, and all they did after-the-fact was talk about how awesome their weddings were. Unfortunately if they had put half as much effort into their marriage as they did that wedding, they’d all still be married.

When my sister said she was going to get married, my dad offered a choice between having her wedding fully paid for, or a down payment on a house. She and her husband chose the former. They had an very ugly divorce several years later.

My wife and I quietly bought rings, got our marriage certificate, and stood before a judge in City Hall and got married privately. No drunken idiots. No money wasted on bullshit. No family politics. And We’re still married.

Wedding = Big expensive dress-up party just to say “hey, look at us in love, now shower us with gifts!”

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Weddings may be a blast to some, but I look at the half dozen friends and family whose weddings I attended, and all they did after-the-fact was talk about how awesome their weddings were. Unfortunately if they had put half as much effort into their marriage as they did that wedding, they’d all still be married.

When my sister said she was going to get married, my dad offered a choice between having her wedding fully paid for, or a down payment on a house. She and her husband chose the former. They had an very ugly divorce several years later.

My wife and I quietly bought rings, got our marriage certificate, and stood before a judge in City Hall and got married privately. No drunken idiots. No money wasted on bullshit. No family politics. And We’re still married.

Wedding = Big expensive dress-up party just to say “hey, look at us in love, now shower us with gifts!”[/quote]

Have to agree with you on this ID, my own personal experience first wife wanted big wastefull wedding and we were divorced after 5 years. Could have used the money spent on wedding for a next egg to help us finacially.

My wife now, we did like you did with your wife. Just had our kids there and my parents. We spent more on securing our future and after 11 years we are happier than ever before.

Everbody knows weddings are for the woman anyway, most yes generalization guys only care about the party aspect that being reception or bach party.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Weddings may be a blast to some, but I look at the half dozen friends and family whose weddings I attended, and all they did after-the-fact was talk about how awesome their weddings were. Unfortunately if they had put half as much effort into their marriage as they did that wedding, they’d all still be married.

When my sister said she was going to get married, my dad offered a choice between having her wedding fully paid for, or a down payment on a house. She and her husband chose the former. They had an very ugly divorce several years later.

My wife and I quietly bought rings, got our marriage certificate, and stood before a judge in City Hall and got married privately. No drunken idiots. No money wasted on bullshit. No family politics. And We’re still married.

Wedding = Big expensive dress-up party just to say “hey, look at us in love, now shower us with gifts!”[/quote]

Couldn’t agree more dude. It’s pathetic really. I knew a girl who went through with a marriage minus the ceremony. Planned to divorce the dude but because she never got the ceremony, she had her father shell out thousands for an expensive ass wedding/reception and then got home and left her husband less than a month later.

Horrible. I do enjoy going and partaking in the free food and booze though.

[quote]DJHT wrote:
Everbody knows weddings are for the woman anyway[/quote]

End 'o thread.

[quote]DJHT wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Weddings may be a blast to some, but I look at the half dozen friends and family whose weddings I attended, and all they did after-the-fact was talk about how awesome their weddings were. Unfortunately if they had put half as much effort into their marriage as they did that wedding, they’d all still be married.

When my sister said she was going to get married, my dad offered a choice between having her wedding fully paid for, or a down payment on a house. She and her husband chose the former. They had an very ugly divorce several years later.

My wife and I quietly bought rings, got our marriage certificate, and stood before a judge in City Hall and got married privately. No drunken idiots. No money wasted on bullshit. No family politics. And We’re still married.

Wedding = Big expensive dress-up party just to say “hey, look at us in love, now shower us with gifts!”[/quote]

Have to agree with you on this ID, my own personal experience first wife wanted big wastefull wedding and we were divorced after 5 years. Could have used the money spent on wedding for a next egg to help us finacially.

My wife now, we did like you did with your wife. Just had our kids there and my parents. We spent more on securing our future and after 11 years we are happier than ever before.

Everbody knows weddings are for the woman anyway, most yes generalization guys only care about the party aspect that being reception or bach party. [/quote]

Wait a second. You guys aren’t really blaming bad marriages and ugly divorces on weddings, are you? Like, really?

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
When my sister said she was going to get married, my dad offered a choice between having her wedding fully paid for, or a down payment on a house. She and her husband chose the former. They had an very ugly divorce several years later. [/quote]

It always blows me away when this is the choice. Insanity!

We were toying with the idea of getting married years ago and then we started to add it up. We said fuck it, bought a couple of hand made rings from an artist in Vancouver for under $1k and have been content with that.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]DJHT wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Weddings may be a blast to some, but I look at the half dozen friends and family whose weddings I attended, and all they did after-the-fact was talk about how awesome their weddings were. Unfortunately if they had put half as much effort into their marriage as they did that wedding, they’d all still be married.

When my sister said she was going to get married, my dad offered a choice between having her wedding fully paid for, or a down payment on a house. She and her husband chose the former. They had an very ugly divorce several years later.

My wife and I quietly bought rings, got our marriage certificate, and stood before a judge in City Hall and got married privately. No drunken idiots. No money wasted on bullshit. No family politics. And We’re still married.

Wedding = Big expensive dress-up party just to say “hey, look at us in love, now shower us with gifts!”[/quote]

Have to agree with you on this ID, my own personal experience first wife wanted big wastefull wedding and we were divorced after 5 years. Could have used the money spent on wedding for a next egg to help us finacially.

My wife now, we did like you did with your wife. Just had our kids there and my parents. We spent more on securing our future and after 11 years we are happier than ever before.

Everbody knows weddings are for the woman anyway, most yes generalization guys only care about the party aspect that being reception or bach party. [/quote]

Wait a second. You guys aren’t really blaming bad marriages and ugly divorces on weddings, are you? Like, really?

Nope just the mentality more so than the actual wedding. If you dont have a pot to piss in why would you expect to spend thousands on a wedding.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:

[quote]DJHT wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Weddings may be a blast to some, but I look at the half dozen friends and family whose weddings I attended, and all they did after-the-fact was talk about how awesome their weddings were. Unfortunately if they had put half as much effort into their marriage as they did that wedding, they’d all still be married.

When my sister said she was going to get married, my dad offered a choice between having her wedding fully paid for, or a down payment on a house. She and her husband chose the former. They had an very ugly divorce several years later.

My wife and I quietly bought rings, got our marriage certificate, and stood before a judge in City Hall and got married privately. No drunken idiots. No money wasted on bullshit. No family politics. And We’re still married.

Wedding = Big expensive dress-up party just to say “hey, look at us in love, now shower us with gifts!”[/quote]

Have to agree with you on this ID, my own personal experience first wife wanted big wastefull wedding and we were divorced after 5 years. Could have used the money spent on wedding for a next egg to help us finacially.

My wife now, we did like you did with your wife. Just had our kids there and my parents. We spent more on securing our future and after 11 years we are happier than ever before.

Everbody knows weddings are for the woman anyway, most yes generalization guys only care about the party aspect that being reception or bach party. [/quote]

Wait a second. You guys aren’t really blaming bad marriages and ugly divorces on weddings, are you? Like, really?

I don’t think big weddings cause divorces but the lust and pressure for a dream wedding seems like potential for bad decision making when it comes to choosing who’s going to be in the wedding with you. I say that because I know women who fell in love with their wedding plans but not the groom. When someone like that says ‘I do’ she’s not necessarily thinking about the guy, but the dress.