It's 2010 - Avoid the Gym Until Feb.

New Years resoluters can eat shit. I’m going back to lifting in the basement.

They will be gone by the tenth of January

They’ll be too intimidated to get in your way anyhow.

I would if I could, but I work in a commercial gym.


Oh yeah, I fucking hate that shit.

Gym is gonna be full of posers for the next month.

stick to the late hours. its the only way i can manage.

Hopefully there’s more eye candy in the gym.

Am I the only one who likes observing clueless people in my rests?

Hey maybe there are some hot chicks between them!

luckily they tend to stick to the cardio deck, which is a place I have no business being in this time of year.

A quick refresher on gym etiquette should be required by all new members at any gym. Example - yesterday an older lady took a flat bench from the dumbell area and put it in the middle of the cable station (like she was going to flat cable flyes on it perhaps), and then got the 5 lbs db’s and did db flyes on the bench, while making the cable station unusable. She then did db kickbacks with those 5 lbers before clearing out of the area so people could use the cable station again. There was tons of room up in the db area and there was no need for her to occupy the cable station when she wasn’t even using it.

My plan is to load up on waxy maize before every time I train so I just rip ass and people avoid me. If someone is using something I want I will stand next to them and rip ass until they are done.

On the plus side it does give me an excuse to skip cardio since that area will be full for the next couple of weeks.

Around noon or lunch time you’ll generally have very few of 'em around, so I’d say avoid the afternoon and early evenings if they annoy you so much.
On the other hand, I find that very few (actually nobody) actively bother me, since they never venture near the power rack anyways so who gives a shit.

I was going to say avoid the mornings for about 2 more weeks, then they’ll be OK as I think the resolutionists will move to night time by then, then die out by mid-February.

Day 1 was a disaster. I figure Monday night will be the worst, and by the 15th it will be normal again.

Holy shit is Monday going to be bad in there.

[quote]waldo21212 wrote:
A quick refresher on gym etiquette should be required by all new members at any gym. Example - yesterday an older lady took a flat bench from the dumbell area and put it in the middle of the cable station (like she was going to flat cable flyes on it perhaps), and then got the 5 lbs db’s and did db flyes on the bench, while making the cable station unusable. She then did db kickbacks with those 5 lbers before clearing out of the area so people could use the cable station again. There was tons of room up in the db area and there was no need for her to occupy the cable station when she wasn’t even using it.

And no one asked her why she was there? Bizarre.

One thing I noticed is that many noobs do the movements given to them by trainers in the SAME PLACE they first learned the movement. So if the gym was crowded when she had her introductory session and that bench was the only one open, she may feel that doing kickbacks and such in the cable station is the correct place to be doing them. I hope someone tells her that it is inappropriate.

The other night I was deadlifting and when I got to the platform there was 2 young guys using it. As I set down my stuff one of the regular BBer’s yelled out from the other side of the gym, “don’t you hate it when you have to wait for YOUR platform?”. One kid looked at me and and said, oh sorry is this yours? LOL.

I actually like this time of year because there are so many amusing situations and people to watch between sets.

Actually looking forward to it; more clients = more money, going training full-time.

The fuckers getting into the cardio room to “work out” while I do karate pisses me all the way off, though.

I have an idea. Let’s collect a pile of cash and use it to bribe all the personal trainers on the planet into ensuring they do not teach any of the noobs about free weights. If they keep all the noobs on cardio, bungee bands and bosu balls we may just have a fighting chance at making it through the next month or so.

LOL if only it was at the begining of the year, now at the end of every season of “The Biggest Loser” you get a big influx also.

[quote]dianab wrote:

And no one asked her why she was there? Bizarre.

One thing I noticed is that many noobs do the movements given to them by trainers in the SAME PLACE they first learned the movement. So if the gym was crowded when she had her introductory session and that bench was the only one open, she may feel that doing kickbacks and such in the cable station is the correct place to be doing them. I hope someone tells her that it is inappropriate.


I was going to say something but I was using the other cable station (my gym has 2 - if she had been there and I needed to use it I would have told her to move). I just found it bizzare that she moved the bench from the db area (where there were no people) to where the cable were.

Also I agree that Monday night is probably going to be the worst (followed by Wenesday night) - at least I train legs on Monday and hopefully all the new people will be like the bros and train chest.

going in in an hour… wish me luck on the first saturday of the year :frowning: