your on day 10? haha just keep eating big and lifting hard, you still got a while before you truly reap the benefits. for me my weight didn’t really “jump” untill 4.5 weeks in.
Patience, good luck
Hey bro, I’m in wk7 of my test and eq cycle. I am up 20lbs and strong as an ox. My squat has gone from doing 235 x 8 to 355 x 8 (just started doing squats two months ago due to injury).
I have also experienced some insomnia and have been using prescription sleep meds to get me through the rest of the cycle. I think my insomnia is caused by the eq since I have used this test before with no problem. Anyway back to your question, your gains will start coming during weeks 3 and 4, if you did a proper frontload more like week 3.