Is Tom Brady Carrying a Purse?

Not sure if this thread properly goes here or over in SAMA (or maybe doesn’t belong anywhere) but in the course of trying to download Giselle’s new GQ shots for the “spreadeagle” thread I ran across this of Tom and Giselle. Evidently he’s wearing a little metro shirt and carrying a purse … not to mention wearing a yanks cap? It’s got Boston upset …

Metrosexual? Or not? I’m leaning toward metro …

Who cares? Seriously… I hate Tom Brady but whether or not he is a metro is not really something that keeps me up at night.

There is a “Tom Brady is a homo” thread on here already, go find it and add this picture.

It does kind of look like a purse…

That’s not a purse, that’s a man-purse.

Also, that’s a really hot woman, and he has really nice rings.

Few men can maintain their manliness whilst carrying a purse. Tom Brady is one of them.

February 3, 2008 wasn’t a day. There was a rift in the space-time continuum.

(pats fan)

It’s called a murse…man-purse.

I dont see any manliness being maintained there.

Fuck, I don’t know how I missed the Yankee’s hat.

I retract my previous statements. . .

He needs someplace to store his testicles when he isn’t using them.

At least is isn’t slinging his coin-purse over his shoulder.

[quote]Digity wrote:
It’s called a murse…man-purse.[/quote]

It’s actually a “European Carryall.”

He stores his balls in his purse, because any self-respecting man would kick their own ass if they even thought of walking around with that gayness.

It’s also reffered to “You Have No balls”

When you have as many superbowl rings as he does then you can start making fun of his choice of accessories. Then again, John Elway would never carry a purse!

MJ won multiple titles, but did he walk around with a murse? I rest my case.

That’s not a purse, it’s his butt plug/rectal lube storage bag. He must be planning a 3-way with Carson Palmer and Brady Quinn.

What ring do they hand out for choking and blowing the best season in NFL history? How does that one look? I bet it’s shiny.

it could be a leather briefcase for all i know.

the main thing wrong in that picture is the f*cking hat.

(pats and redsox fan)

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:
That’s not a purse, it’s his butt plug/rectal lube storage bag. He must be planning a 3-way with Carson Palmer and Brady Quinn.

What ring do they hand out for choking and blowing the best season in NFL history? How does that one look? I bet it’s shiny.[/quote]

Im sure the Giant’s defensive line let him keep the condom after they got done raping him all game.

Who cares?

The man is plowing Giselle’s meat pocket. I’d carry a purse for that ass too…

Actually, I think that’s a camera. My camera has a black bag with a murse-ish shoulder strap attached.

If it’s a camera, it’s probably more expensive than my car, so I don’t think I can bash him for carrying it like a murse.