Is This a Good PH Offer?

I’ve been reading this site now for a few months and have been pretty impressed with the articles etc.
I used to read another site a lot, but the Bible stuff, and “with the help of our Lord Jesus” comments spooked me out.

I need a little help, I’ve seen a stack of prohormones I can buy here in the UK and was wondering if anyone could say it’s worth buying or not

M1Test, 1MD & Pro ZMA


Re the religious comments, I got similarly annoyed at my local church. I asked the vicar whether he thought a cycle of deca and winny would be a good accompaniment to German Volume Training and he just looked at me all blank and that. I thought you were able to ask a priest anything. Seems we’ve been lied to.

I personally dont enjoy M1T and the side to benefit ratio SUCK its poison that has a limited ability to give muscle gain IMO. Plus I would never stack it with another methyl. Plus MD is very limited and needs to be HIGH dosed but is much less toxic.

I woukld suggest a 4-AD-EC, 1 test stack. Works great proven. Or simply look fopr some MAG-10 if still available over there You get it all in one nice neat BIO-available package.

Just my opinion,

Be carefull and do your research


Yeah I would echo what Phil said: be careful with methylated products. And another thign to consider is that methyl-1-testestorone is not a prohormone, it is a steroid.

I picked up a copy of Llewellyn’s “Body of Science” mag at the Arnold Classic, he is a guy that writes an anabolics encyclopedia each year. He gave a scientific review of some of the pro-steroids that had just been banned over here, and said that M1-T was something like 8 times more anabolic than decabolan!! I just threw the magazine out.

juninho :-)))
v. funny , with bible bashing people I only open my mouth to replace one foot with the other. ! (very sensitive bunch sometimes, never mention dinosaurs etc. )

cheers for the info, I think I can prolly find somewhere here in the UK that still has MAG-10, but it’s 80 quid, that’s like 150 dollars.

thx again.

requin, on a more sensible note am I right in thinking there’s been no change on the law regarding pro-hormones here in the UK? I haven’t bought any for years, but recently did an internet search and all the products I used to use, (won’t mention the name as they are competitors and Biotest pays for this site) seem to be no more. I can’t understand this, as a couple of products were definitely effective.

[quote]requin wrote:
I used to read another site a lot, but the Bible stuff, and “with the help of our Lord Jesus” comments spooked me out.

I need a little help, I’ve seen a stack of prohormones I can buy here in the UK and was wondering if anyone could say it’s worth buying or not

For one thing, stay away from the Politics and World issues part of the forum. You might be exposed to some real Christian doctrine which might change the way you think.

as far as your prohormone question goes, I would try to find some 4-AD-EC to stack with the M1-t. laters pk