I imagine that working out 8+ hours would keep you small seeing how you wouldnt want to cary around any more weight than you had to for 8 hours
Where do flies go at night?
I won’t comment on the creationist aspect, but there is much to be said about the evolutionary aspect. Firstly, evolutionary theory does not make any comment on whether something is fair or not. It merely describes how things are.
I want only to comment on one extremely erroneous part.
You have a very wrong concept of how evolution works. Simply put, evolution is driven by reproduction of species. Species which contain genes which are most favorable to reproduction are logically more likely to reproduce. Subsequently, in the next generation those genes are more likely to be present.
You invoke soy as some sort of foil to evolution, claiming that if evolution were true we should be able to eat as much soy as we want with no harmful effects.
This claim isn’t true of any substance, including soy AND meat. I can think of nothing that a person can ingest in large quantities that won’t lead to some sort of intoxication. Even water can poison us.
However, you may be asking about “reasonable” quantities. First, recognize that ancestrally peoples access to soy was limited. It was not available in all regions, and it was not always cultivated.
Further, the negative effects of soy are not as deadly as you are pretending they are. Soy is not cyanide. For those effects which are life threatening (prostate cancer for example), these tend to occur later in life. Ancestors did not have the life expectancy that we do today. Its possible that even if they would have suffered these ailments, they probably would have died of something else - like a lion, or pathogen - sooner.
Moreover, you’re neglecting the effects of all modern day psudo-estrogens. We know there is some threshold of estrogen that a male body can “withstand.” In the ancestral world, it is unlikely that they would have eaten enough soy to ever even experience the negative effects. In the modern day, however, you have all sorts of psueo-estrogens which we consume from plastics to toothpastes. We’re consuming more psuedo-estrogen’s today, and the bulk of them are not from soy.
Lastly, do not assume that we are optimal beings. Just because we have been shaped for centuries, and have many highly adaptive qualities does NOT imply we are perfect. There are things that can change, and if we are around for 1,000,000 more years I suspect that they will.
Few questions.
Who the hell told you life was fair? Life isn’t fair, it’s impartial. Sometimes you get screwed, sometimes you don’t, and rarely is cosmic balance even.
Overtraining. From either standpoint life isn’t about looking good. Do you think your god cares whether I have a six pack or not. Work is only “supposed” to be done to get things done. That thing is your end result, not your body. If you do too little, you starve and die. If you do too much, you get hurt, starve and die.
3 Meals a day? Please cite a source saying that humans have always eaten 3 times a day. “Thats when mommy fed me” does not count as a source.
Whats bad about soy from an evolutionary standpoint?
Soy is great. It is healthy. The body survives better in harsh environments with fat and less muscle. Estrogen has been known to cause a lot of benefits.
Even taking the simple approach: women live longer than men. Heres the problem, we don’t want to be healthy. I certainly don’t. I’d rather look good naked than feel like I’m better prepared to go weeks without eating and live in the wild.
I wrote all that after a drink of Spike, a great workout, a Surge/Creatine shake, and a great dinner. I’ve never done marijuana in my life.
As for evolution, I’ll be blunt here. Try telling someone that the Holocaust was evolution, and that it won’t matter in 100 years, let alone 1000+. You will get KILLED around here for suggesting that. Well, not literally, but damn close. You will get merely ridiculed for being a Creationist. The best way is to sort of find a compromise between the two and apply it to most problems, even if it has a hard time working.
I sound very schizo about these sort of things, I know. It’s simply hard to reach a single conclusion without facing ridicule and spite, though. I’m trying to put all this stuff together and make sense of it when I probably should be like most meatheads, pump iron, eat, screw, work, and sleep. I’m not like that, sorry.
Soy is in something like 80% of all foods on a supermarket shelf. Go in the middle of the store and look on the ingredients of just about any box. It will contain soy, and if not, corn syrup or other nasty stuff.
Of course, you can try and avoid this stuff, but most people don’t, and the people who don’t outnumber YOU and ME. They’re like zombies, damn it. They have political power and they flexed it when they made steroids and pro-hormones impossible to use. Now, people will find ways to use them anyway, but will suffer bad side effects from impure, questionable supplies. The zombies don’t care. They’re passive aggressive against us all.
I know soy isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be, but when it’s (among other nasties) in 80% of the food products of what the average person eats, it HAS to be doing damage at that amount! How can that much of it NOT have some effects?
Soy is a big issue because, despite being in almost every food in the shelf, its use will only continue. Growing it gives cheap protein, sustainable yields, and even helps the environment. Even if it’s not a huge issue now (it is), it will be even bigger in the future. It’s that growth that’s worrying, and it’s harder and harder to find free range meat.
Man, I think about all this so much, maybe I SHOULD smoke up a little…
[quote]Higher Game wrote:
I wrote all that after a drink of Spike, a great workout, a Surge/Creatine shake, and a great dinner. I’ve never done marijuana in my life.
As for evolution, I’ll be blunt here. Try telling someone that the Holocaust was evolution, and that it won’t matter in 100 years, let alone 1000+. You will get KILLED around here for suggesting that. Well, not literally, but damn close. You will get merely ridiculed for being a Creationist. The best way is to sort of find a compromise between the two and apply it to most problems, even if it has a hard time working.[/quote]
Thats because it is hard to explain mass murder.
The scarry part is that by trying to explain the holocaust with evolution would indicate that you actualy believe Hitlers philosophy.
I sound very schizo about these sort of things, I know. It’s simply hard to reach a single conclusion without facing ridicule and spite, though. I’m trying to put all this stuff together and make sense of it when I probably should be like most meatheads, pump iron, eat, screw, work, and sleep. I’m not like that, sorry.[/quote]
The first four words summed it up nicely. Everything past those is pretty much just bullshit.
Soy is in something like 80% of all foods on a supermarket shelf. Go in the middle of the store and look on the ingredients of just about any box. It will contain soy, and if not, corn syrup or other nasty stuff.
Of course, you can try and avoid this stuff, but most people don’t, and the people who don’t outnumber YOU and ME. They’re like zombies, damn it. They have political power and they flexed it when they made steroids and pro-hormones impossible to use. Now, people will find ways to use them anyway, but will suffer bad side effects from impure, questionable supplies. The zombies don’t care. They’re passive aggressive against us all.[/quote]
Now you’re just begging for a straight jacket.
I know soy isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be, but when it’s (among other nasties) in 80% of the food products of what the average person eats, it HAS to be doing damage at that amount! How can that much of it NOT have some effects?
Soy is a big issue because, despite being in almost every food in the shelf, its use will only continue. Growing it gives cheap protein, sustainable yields, and even helps the environment. Even if it’s not a huge issue now (it is), it will be even bigger in the future. It’s that growth that’s worrying, and it’s harder and harder to find free range meat.
Man, I think about all this so much, maybe I SHOULD smoke up a little…[/quote]
You’re beyond a little smoke.
You been drinking OP?
[quote]Easy E wrote:
SkyzykS wrote:
Nothing is fair. There are no rules.
Now put your head under a pillow and cry.
Fuck the whole concept of “fair”.
If life was fair we would all be able to do this.
But then again, our society would deteriate because none of us would leave our bedrooms anymore.[/quote]
theres no fucking way id give myself a blowjob. and thats all i have to contribute to this thread.
[quote]dez6485 wrote:
Easy E wrote:
SkyzykS wrote:
Nothing is fair. There are no rules.
Now put your head under a pillow and cry.
Fuck the whole concept of “fair”.
If life was fair we would all be able to do this.
But then again, our society would deteriate because none of us would leave our bedrooms anymore.
theres no fucking way id give myself a blowjob. and thats all i have to contribute to this thread.[/quote]
That protest is too vehement.
I don’t believe you.
I don’t drink. It’s bad for putting on muscle. I just want to know how you view these things. Nazi beliefs (therefore some evolution beliefs) are banned in many countries, but there is so little evidence (ok, no evidence) to support creationism.
Yet, some of it must be accepted, to fill in the gaps left by the missing parts of evolution due to the laws against things such as eugenics.
You guys think I’m wearing a tinfoil hat, don’t you?
[quote]Higher Game wrote:
I don’t drink. It’s bad for putting on muscle. I just want to know how you view these things. Nazi beliefs (therefore some evolution beliefs) are banned in many countries, but there is so little evidence (ok, no evidence) to support creationism.
Yet, some of it must be accepted, to fill in the gaps left by the missing parts of evolution due to the laws against things such as eugenics.
You guys think I’m wearing a tinfoil hat, don’t you?[/quote]
Margaret Sanger the woman who championed birth control for women in the 1920’s pill also believed in eugenics.
We procreate based on attraction. If as the “White Girls Prefer Metro” thread is suggesting, that many women are attracted to what the media says is “hot” than maybe the media is controlling evolution.
Even so, 100,000 years is a drop in the bucket to evolution. We are nothing compared to the span of time in which dinosaurs existed.
We also haven’t faced the extreme changes of circumstances that force a more rapid evolution. Take Madagascar. Madagascar broke off first and has more unique animal life because of it. Set apart in extreme situations the species evolved faster than those on larger continents with less changes.
We aren’t in an ice age, we aren’t in a tropical age, we aren’t in Water World.
I wonder what would cause a faster evolution, extreme diet changes or extreme climate changes, or extreme topography changes.
OP: It’s not exactly fair to the mass population, but it’s fair to us.
Those of us who care enough to read these articles and watch what we put into our system will have a healthier adulthood and longer lifespan. In other words, it makes it easier for us to excel above the norm.
In creationist terms: It’s a means for us dedicated few to survive the obesity-holocaust.
It’s also a means to entertain us. Nothing funnier than seeing an obese person munching on rice cakes all day cause some nutritionist advised it.
Fortune favors the bold.
I don’t know how it could be said to be designed “fairly” or otherwise. It’s just what it is. And I like it.
[quote]Higher Game wrote:
I don’t drink. It’s bad for putting on muscle. I just want to know how you view these things. Nazi beliefs (therefore some evolution beliefs) are banned in many countries, but there is so little evidence (ok, no evidence) to support creationism.
Yet, some of it must be accepted, to fill in the gaps left by the missing parts of evolution due to the laws against things such as eugenics.
You guys think I’m wearing a tinfoil hat, don’t you?[/quote]
I think most of your question have a self-evident response, and that you are being a bit over the top at presenting them in such a light which makes them appear like they are coniated out of a golden intellect. But still, the effort is appreciated.
[quote]OctoberGirl wrote:
Where do flies go at night?
That is a good question, I am currently working in outback Oz, there’s thousands of the bastards during the day, then they all disappear like a fart in the wind at night, must have a good pub to go to, lucky bastards.
[quote]Imen de Naars wrote:
I think most of your question have a self-evident response, and that you are being a bit over the top at presenting them in such a light which makes them appear like they are coniated out of a golden intellect. But still, the effort is appreciated.
Did someone give you a word of the day calendar? The purpose of language is to communicate and if you are so busy trying to use the most esoteric prose you can look up but no one else understands, you have failed.
I am sure it is just me but your post is a little ridiculous and way into the pompous zone.
I have no idea what coniated is. A definition would be appreciated.
One thing is starting to piss me off. Evolution and eugenics are not the same thing at all.
I guess if you accept some retarded notion of perfect, which is a fools concept, then maybe you can tread down the path you are, but I’d advise you watch your step.
Eugenics is open to moral or prejudicial judgment, whereas evolution is simply change over time due to the presence of environmental factors.
Until you figure out the difference between them, perhaps you should not be making sweeping statements concerning them.
[quote]vroom wrote:
One thing is starting to piss me off. Evolution and eugenics are not the same thing at all.
I guess if you accept some retarded notion of perfect, which is a fools concept, then maybe you can tread down the path you are, but I’d advise you watch your step.
Eugenics is open to moral or prejudicial judgment, whereas evolution is simply change over time due to the presence of environmental factors.
Until you figure out the difference between them, perhaps you should not be making sweeping statements concerning them.[/quote]
Exactly. I get the sense that you really don’t have a very clear notion of what Evolution is all about, which is common. It seems as though people interperet Evolution as this cosmic force that is propelling us towards a perfect, or better state. This is incorrect.
Oh, and by the way, Eugenics is simply the process of selective breeding, and has nothing to do with Evolution at all.
This thread is crazy, but don’t forget that soybean plants are a product of evolution too, and gain an advantage if the animals that eat them are less able to reproduce.