Hey Guys,
I’ve been a member here for a long time but haven’t checked in for a number of years.
I’m a 62YO male who has been on TRT for ten years or so.
Current protocol is to inject .5 ml T-cyp twice weekly, .25 ml HcG twice weekly
and .5mg anastrozole with my bi-weekly injections.
About 4-5 years ago I started taking metformin for longevity (I do not have diabetes
or any sort of A1C problems but it seems that I’ve clearly been insulin resistant
as I’ve grown older). When I first went on it I thought it was great…immediately
shed some weight, became leaner, etc.
But a couple of years ago (mid covid) my labs showed that my SHBG was thru the roof.
I did a bit of research and read on the internet that metformin can contribute to
elevated levels of SHBG. So I went off of it.
Unfortunately, due to a perfect storm of sh%t at the time I also had to go off TRT
entirely (insurance issues) and of course there was covid which kept me from the
gym (and apparently I was too f-ing lazy to work out at home.) Anyway, during a period
of about 9 months I gained weight and developed some noticeable visceral fat
under my sub-q fat.
About a year ago I went back on TRT (T-Cyp + HcG), started cycling again…everything same as
before except for the metformin and anastrozole. (Doc had some concerns about
anastrozole and heart disease.) I do HIIT road cycling every other day and did about
100 miles per week last summer (total about 2100 miles for the season) but it
didn’t seem to move the needle on my weight or stomach fat.
A couple of months ago I learned on the internet that berberine can attack insulin
resistance possibly as well as metformin, so I gave it a try. Three months later, no response
as I could tell…at least as compared to metformin which seemed to slim me/shed weight
almost out of the gate.
So, my doc and I decided to test out metformin again to see how my labs would result.
(and as estradiol was a bit high, I went back on anastrozole).
We took a labs baseline first.
The answer was the expected slimming effect, weight loss, visceral fat reduction, etc.
during my riding season (which began about May 1). But my labs follow up last week
were disappointing. SHBG up and Free T/Bioavail T % down.
Any thoughts, questions, advice dudes? I’m sure some of you might want specific
numbers…which I can provide as a followup (this message is already too long).
Thanks for anyone who chimes in!