Oh my god…he is soooo funny, but seriously he does dance like a white dude.hahaha,not to insult my man, but that’s what makes him funny.They could stop playing it every 30 seconds,though.
That comercial has raised some people’s hackles. They feel it has a “Stepin Fetchit minstrel show” quality. Personally, I think it’s just a goofy looking guy dancing in his underwear.
I have never seen this commercial, however I do remember reading an article about K mart using Spike Lee to help bail them out of bankruptcy by directing some of their commercials. Go figure.
The guys name is Vaughn Lowery. When he auditioned for the part, he just took down his pants and started dancing. Seems like he has a cult following and has a web site. Only in America!!
(…damn…I’m having NIGHTmares…can’t get “…dew, dew, dew-do…dew, dew, dew-do…” out of my head…or a brother lookin’ like Bill Gates, DRUNK, doing the “Funky Chicken”…)