Iron Man 2 Official First Trailer

Well…boys and gals…first trailer is up tonight. This seems to be the same footage that has been leaked for a few months…but with some changes here and there. Still,May 7th is not getting here soon enough…this is going to be great.

EDIT lets try this:

clicks the “like” button

Christ, I have to go through apple just to watch this.

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Christ, I have to go through apple just to watch this. [/quote]

Well…there is Trailer Addict,but I was having issues watching it there. No one else has it up yet…I’m sure that will change by tomorrow.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Christ, I have to go through apple just to watch this. [/quote]

Well…there is Trailer Addict,but I was having issues watching it there. No one else has it up yet…I’m sure that will change by tomorrow. [/quote]

Boss, I have bad news. I just lost my Lethal Weapon/Lethal Weapon 2 DVD. And I just cleaned it a few hours ago. I got to find it.

Fuck Iron Man 2, I have to find Riggs and Murtaugh!

I assume its basically the same thing… didn’t feel like dl quicktime

False Alarm! I found my Lethal Weapon/Lethal Weapon 2 DVD.

Now what is this Iron Man 2 you speak of?

I edited the link to Trailer Addict…they use Flash(I think).

holy shit.

Here is i09’s breakdown of some of the stills. The image descriptions could be considered spoilers in some cases, so don’t read if you want to avoid that sort of thing.

Scarlett Johansson is so ridiculously hot.

I just saw this one on Youtube. I just jizzed in my pants. Twice. No lotion required.


like if i really concentrate hard enough i think i can get a boner w/o having to touch myself.

dude that looks sick. someone PLEASE take me

Looks good. But I’m really looking foward to this:

This looks awesome. I like Cheadle but am kinda bummed about Howard. Other than that I can’t wait.

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
I just saw this one on Youtube. I just jizzed in my pants. Twice. No lotion required.

DANG! thatssofrigginawesome!

no terrence howard…heard he demanded tooo much money

I need a towel.

They just created one of best super hero character franchises since Superman, in my opinion. Spiderman fills theater seats but Toby’s portrayal of him sucks and is nothing like the comics.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Looks good. But I’m really looking foward to this:

Dude, that was really great.

I like Howard too, but I don’t think we will see any drop off with Cheadle, if anything I think he is a better actor. Sure, no one likes a change in characters, but I am sure Iron Man 2 has more than enough to distract people from noticing.