Iran Cures Aids?




Not much to discuss.
The IMOD is a control, not a cure, and is still being tested.

Hammer Throw

Shot put?

[quote]LoneLobo wrote:


Not really sure, but it seems some of the responses are trying to say “discuss” is misspelled.

The olympic sport “discus” has one “s”. To “discuss” a subject, you need an extra “s”.

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle. :slight_smile:

“the Iranian nation is a friend to all nations”


Sorry, guys…

But under the word “TOOL” in any Dictionary…you will find the name Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…


The very NEXT entry will be Hugo Chavez…


[quote]Mufasa wrote:
The very NEXT entry will be Hugo Chavez…


Actually the next entry is George W. Bush.

I guess this would rank right up there with the old USSR claiming there was NO HIV or AIDS in their country…

“It has been also tested on 200 volunteer patients. as a result of this test 65 percent of patients had not shown any symptoms of AIDS infection after almost 21 months of consuming this medicine.”

WTF? Is this true? Pretty weak definition of a cure IMO. This gives me the impression that Iran’s “FDA” is a little more lax than ours.

Half the country is still shitting in holes in the ground. Fix that and then you can move up the ladder.

[quote]baretta wrote:
Half the country is still shitting in holes in the ground. Fix that and then you can move up the ladder.[/quote]

you’re right, they should be shitting in your mouth instead you racist fuck.

[quote]ProjectX wrote:
baretta wrote:
Half the country is still shitting in holes in the ground. Fix that and then you can move up the ladder.

you’re right, they should be shitting in your mouth instead you racist fuck.[/quote]

Did he mention race?

He has a point. It’s like how Bush is wanting to spend all this money on NASA putting a colony on the moon when instead he should be trying to fix the shit wrong here first.

[quote]TYR wrote:
LoneLobo wrote:


Not really sure, but it seems some of the responses are trying to say “discuss” is misspelled.

The olympic sport “discus” has one “s”. To “discuss” a subject, you need an extra “s”.

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle. :slight_smile:


[quote]ProjectX wrote:
baretta wrote:
Half the country is still shitting in holes in the ground. Fix that and then you can move up the ladder.

you’re right, they should be shitting in your mouth instead you racist fuck.[/quote]

Racist Fuck? Interesting use of words. They better come up for a cure for AIDS because they only use a woman for procreation, while the rest are ass fucking for Allah. But don’t say that out loud or they’ll cut off your fucking head with a dull knife. Facts aren’t racist. Dipshits like you just throw that PC word around for shock value.

[quote]grrrsauce wrote:
ProjectX wrote:
baretta wrote:
Half the country is still shitting in holes in the ground. Fix that and then you can move up the ladder.

you’re right, they should be shitting in your mouth instead you racist fuck.

Did he mention race?

He has a point. It’s like how Bush is wanting to spend all this money on NASA putting a colony on the moon when instead he should be trying to fix the shit wrong here first.[/quote]

We’d be missing many things if it weren’t for that whole “SPACE IS COOOOOOOL” thing.

[quote]gummernaut wrote:
ProjectX wrote:
baretta wrote:
Half the country is still shitting in holes in the ground. Fix that and then you can move up the ladder.

you’re right, they should be shitting in your mouth instead you racist fuck.

Racist Fuck? Interesting use of words. They better come up for a cure for AIDS because they only use a woman for procreation, while the rest are ass fucking for Allah. But don’t say that out loud or they’ll cut off your fucking head with a dull knife. Facts aren’t racist. Dipshits like you just throw that PC word around for shock value. [/quote]

yes and your reply was full of accurate facts.

way to contradict yourself jackass.

and yes i lived there many years so don’t tell me what the facts are.


[quote]ProjectX wrote:
baretta wrote:
Half the country is still shitting in holes in the ground. Fix that and then you can move up the ladder.

you’re right, they should be shitting in your mouth instead you racist fuck.[/quote]

What’s racist about poverty? Why don’t you enlighten us to what living in utopia is like?