Interrupted Cycle?

Hi all,
first a quick update,im in week 5 of my first 12 week cycle of sus,dia,deca (taper test c,and nolva)all going well,no side effects yet and no real size increases yet,but massive increases in strength ,bench and squat up almost 100lbs,dont no if this is due to psychological effect but sure it is the gear, anyway after the first few nervous jabs im sadly really enjoying the whole injection process and love the continuous fully pump feeling I now have,
Hooked for life me thinks.

anyway I did what everyone advised me not to do and started the cycle with only 5 weeks supply, unfortunately my source is no longer and will take at least 3 weeks for new del to arrive,
What do you advise I do, with regards to starting up the cycle after a 3 week break, not sure any advise
many thanks,

If you do 5 weeks, then wait 3 weeks, then do another 7 weeks, you will get the benefit of a 5 weeks cycle and a 7 week cycle but the negatives of a 15 week cycle…

This is why people advise not to do as you did.

I also know that you should have definitely had size increases over the past 5 weeks… especially using dianabol and Sustanon… with sustanon having the prop and phenylprop esters…

let me guess, 250mg once a week huh?

What are your dosages out of interest?

With 30mg of dianabol ALONE per day over 5 weeks, you should have gained a minimum of 10lbs.
Test and dianabol, Dianabol and deca, and test and deca are all meant to be very very VERY synergistic stacks. Test, Dbol and deca is a 25lb gain easily for a first cycle… i think you may have some fake dbol there… possibly at least.

I think if you can get the gear within a week, and have a week off then carry on… If you can get hold of someother drugs then change the drug choices and carry on…

But i would personally advise against starting up in 3 weeks - especially with the sust and deca esters. You should taper off… pct… rest for 6 weeks on nothing, and do another cycle, but with the correct planning and foresight this time.


i would stop your cycle now.
If you have the test c use that for your stasis and taper now or jump on your nolva if you have that.

If you have test c, run another 2 weeks at the same dose as sust, inj e3d, do not use anymore deca during this time.
Then begin PCT or taper etc

sorry, at 30mgs per day of dbol per day he should of gained 10lbs. Damn, I’m going to fucking blow up. I can’t wait dammit sinister smile.

note thats not goin to be a quality 10lbs

currently running 400mg sus,400mg dec,25mgs dia,split over 2 days weekly ,i know the sus and deca are ok but the dia is actually called naposim?i will do as jj says and taper off and rest 6wks then start again with FULL cycle and decent dia.
thanks all for advice.

But you have already said that you do not listen to anyones advice here, so what is the point in giving it to you?

[quote]Electric_E wrote:
But you have already said that you do not listen to anyones advice here, so what is the point in giving it to you?[/quote]

whose that in your avatar? you

Naposim is a common and popular metandrostenolone brand - russian i think?

[quote]drip wrote:
Electric_E wrote:
But you have already said that you do not listen to anyones advice here, so what is the point in giving it to you?

whose that in your avatar? you[/quote]

google “the guv’nor” and see my profile pics, ill let you decide from there, I know that is not you in your avatar pic, nobody has been that openly gay since the early 80’s

electric e ,175lbs 4yrs,
do a few more yrs in gym/ring then i will welcome your comments/critisim,
sounds and looks like another case of small man syndrome.

[quote]sandman666 wrote:
electric e ,175lbs 4yrs,
do a few more yrs in gym/ring then i will welcome your comments/critisim,
sounds and looks like another case of small man syndrome.[/quote]

OK sorry Mr. boxer666, I bow down to your internet badassness

[quote]Electric_E wrote:
drip wrote:
Electric_E wrote:
But you have already said that you do not listen to anyones advice here, so what is the point in giving it to you?

whose that in your avatar? you

google “the guv’nor” and see my profile pics, ill let you decide from there, I know that is not you in your avatar pic, nobody has been that openly gay since the early 80’s

Oh ok thanks. That guy looks like he could slap the bark off of a tree trunk.

sm666 naposim is the cream of the dbol crop IMO. If given the choice I’d pick it everytime bar none. The surge in strength you had clearly testifies that something worked well.
Like everyone else said. Chalk this up to experience. Next time don’t start a cycle you cannot finish properly.
With sources a planned 3 weeks can often become 6 too. You’re done. I hope you can PCT and come off this decently

taken on board.
thks saps,