Limber 11
1 mile run outside 7:39
Hour or more of hiking with the family earlier today
Limber 11
1 mile run outside 7:39
Hour or more of hiking with the family earlier today
2/27/23 C5W1D1 BPS
Squat: 140x5, 160x5, 180x5, 140x5x5
Bench: 120x5, 135x5, 155x5, 120x5x5
Circuit: DB squats 65x15, x20, x15, Push ups (+ROM) x15x2, x20, Pull ups x5x5, Hanging leg raises or decline Sit-ups x10x5
The main lifts are starting to feel like work finally, leaving less energy for the assistance, but that’s the way it should be. I banged out the min reps for DB squats and push ups in 3 sets and spread out the pull ups and abs over 5 sets. Im still supersetting squat warm ups and mains with push ups, bench warm ups and mains with pull ups, FSL squats and bench with face pulls.
I might switch to a different template after this cycle or next. I want to get in more zone 2 cardio, at least 2 days for an hour each time. I’m not going to cut weight or anything I just want to get my base cardio better because I think it will help me have more energy and recover better between sessions.
3/1/23 C5W1D2 BPS
Deadlift: 185x5, 210x5, 240x5, 185x5x5
SOHP: 90x5, 105x5, 115x5, 90x5x5
Circuit: KB swing 24kg x20, TRX inverted row x15, Dips x11, Ab wheel x10 or leg raise station x10. 5 times through.
I didn’t have another press rep beyond that 115x5, or If I did it would have been an absolute garbage grinder. I pushed the assistance circuit a little harder today.
Low intensity cardio, Walking and running outside 60min 5 miles.
3/3/23 C5W2D1 BPS
Squat: 130x5, 150x5, 170x5, 130x5x5
Bench: 110x5, 130x5, 145x5, 110x5x5
Circuit: DB squat 65lb x15, Push ups (+ROM) x15, Chin ups x6, Hanging leg raises x10. 5 times through.
Low intensity cardio, Walking and running outside 60min, just shy of 5 miles. Goal is to keep heart rate between 130 and 140bpm.
3/6/23 C5W2D2 BPS
Deadlift: 170x5, 200x5, 225x5, 170x5x5
SOHP: 85x5, 100x5, 110x5, 85x5x5
Circuit: KB swing 24kg x15, TRX inverted row x10-15, Dips x10, Ab wheel x10. 5 times through.
45 min LISS on treadmill avg HR 136
3/8/23 C5W3D1 BPS
Squat: 150x5, 170x5, 190x5, 150x5x5
Bench: 130x5, 145x5, 160x5, 130x5x5
Circuit: DB squat 65x10, Push up (+ROM) x15, Chin ups x6, Hanging leg raises x10. 5 times through.
Walking/running outside 46 min 3.7miles avg HR 127bpm (more like 136bpm if you exclude the first 6min of walking)
3/10/23 C5W3D2 BPS
Deadlift: 200x5, 225x5, 250x5, 200x5x5
SOHP: 100x5, 110x5, 125x5, 100x5x5
Circuit: KB Swing 24kg x15, TRX Inverted Row x15, Dips x11, Hanging leg raises x10(x1)/Ab wheel x10(x4). 5 times through
Fuck yeah, I didn’t know if I would be able to get that top press set but I got it without running into a full on grind, though I don’t think I could have done another rep. I have a cold and I’m sore from squats and running the last 2 days but everything went well today. Gonna chill tomorrow.
40min LISS treadmill run avg HR 135bpm
3/13/23 C6W1D1
Bench: 125x5, 140x5, 160x5, 125x5x5
Squat: 145x5, 165x5, 185x5, 145x5x5
Circuit: DB squat 70x10, Push ups (+ROM) x15, Chins x6, Hanging leg raises x10. 5 times through.
Packed gym had to bench first, there was nowhere to do super sets during bench either so a lot of those sets were out. Felt tough overall today, joints not happy. Maybe I’ll do bike instead of running tomorrow.
3/15/23 C6W1D2 BPS
Deadlift: 190x5, 215x5, 245x5, 190x5x5
SOHP: 95x5, 110x5, 120x5, 95x5x5
Circuit: KB swing 24kg x20, TRX Inverted Row x15, Dips x11, Ab Wheel x10. 5 times through.
I really like this program, I feel good after every session. I don’t get that satisfaction of hitting rep PRs every workout like original 531 but I still feel like I accomplished something after every workout, like I took a step toward completing the whole cycle.
45 min LISS on elliptical avg HR 134. I really hated that. I thought it might feel better on my knees than running 3-5 miles. I forgot my headphones too and just stared at the wall the whole time.
did it?
Yeah, def lower impact, just painful mentally
Some nice consistent work in here sir. Well done
Thank you, I’m putting a lot of faith in consistency paying off.
3/17/23 C5W2D1 BPS
Squat: 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 135x5x5
Bench: 115x5, 130x5, 150x5, 115x5x5
Circuit: DB Squat 70x12-13, Push ups (+ROM) x15, Chin ups x6-8, Hanging leg raises x10. 4 times through plus 1 more set of hanging leg raises.
Got to the gym a little late, had to rush through the end but hit required reps on all the assistance. Workout done in 49min.