I’m going to Greece to see relatives (close family funeral) for 11 nights in October from UK. Not ideal during COVID but unavoidable.
I self prescribe TRT at 75mg E3D (175mg pw).
I don’t want to take the syringes and needles on the plane as I have no prescription. I know it’s unlikely anybody will see or care if I put them in the hold but I’d be nervous as hell.
Question- if I took a much larger dose of around 350mg just before I leave would my test levels be far too low by the end of the trip? My t peaks at 800…would it drop below 300 after the 11days?
I know people occasionally get injections every 2 weeks and I know it’s not ideal that way but will I feel like shit at the end of the break or should I be ok?
Should I maybe take 500mg to avoid it dipping too much at the end? I know there will be a huge E2 spike initially.
You can take a shot the morning of your flight and pre-load a syringe and put it one of those plastic toothbrush cases (put some cotton balls in each end to keep it from moving around) to put in your checked in baggage. Put it in your shaving kit and it will be fine. If they do pull it, just say you have a script but you dont have it on you. Worst they can do is throw it away. Pin yourself half way thru your stay and toss the syringe in a trash can away from your family’s place.
Either will probably be fine. Well, not the anus one, but the extra beforehand or one shot midway through options should work. I’d do the midway through one personally.
You could probably load the syringe, attach the injection needle, then put it back in the syringe wrapper which makes it look like its unopened and for medical use? Insulin needles would probably be even less risk?
I’ve traveled extensively internationally with a pack of 20-30 syringes with needles and at least 4 vials of test (in case I get stuck somewhere) and knock-on-wood they’ve never looked at it through multiple different airports, even though I did have a script along. I’ve even brought Androgel without script but kept it in a random small sealable shampoo bottle. I don’t think the needles are big enough to show up on a luggage x-ray as even i was surprised they never pulled it and searched. Hope I didn’t jinx myself…
Just out of curiousity, what would the benefit of pre-attaching the needle be as opposed to leaving the needle in the wrapper next to the pre-loaded syringe (in the toothpaste container)?
Do you not think it looks a bit more suspect (like I’ve got something to hide)/dangerous with the needle attached (I know there’s very little chance it will be found anyway)?
No one really cares. A “Friend” routinely carries vials in his CPAP, sometimes moved into a B-12 bottle, sometimes just loose amps. Syringes in the checked bag - needles are legal everywhere anyway. No issues. Ever. Many flights, multiple countries.
Contrary to what some have suggested RE: preloading syringe… I would NOT leave an airspace… Liquids are NOT compressible… air is, so leaving an airspace will cause a pressure differential… just my thought…