Anyone read anything good online? Anything really. Looking for stuff to read during down time at work.
i personally like
io9 always has interesting stuff.
The Gutenburg project has 1000s of books.
edit: also, any comic book on wikipedia
When I used to have a really slow job, I learned a lot from here
It’s pretty old and a lot of the links are dead, but still some interesting stuff.
Man, I remember back in '99, I was working at a commercial studio in Manhattan, and very often I would find myself waiting for the computer guys to scan my images into the system. With nothing else to do, I’d always pop onto a nearby terminal and whittle away my time with some new site called “”.
I’m dumbfounded that anyone has to ask about interesting stuff to read on the internet. The entire WORLD is on here! My struggle is to pull myself away from all the interesting things.
Thanks for the suggestions. However, I meant more specific articles. This was mentioned in another thread and gave me the idea.
[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions. However, I meant more specific articles. This was mentioned in another thread and gave me the idea.
[/quote] and are always good for short time-killers, like needing a 5-10 minute break to read something funny or sportsy.
I also second the recommendation for as well.
If you want more in-depth reading, IDK.
The concept / prediction of a technological singularity fascinates me…
Wiki overview with some good links that you can rabbit hole around through: Technological singularity - Wikipedia
Interesting essay from 1993:
More reading: