Interesting Car Crash

Last night when I was driving home, I saw a quite interesting car crash. In the right hand turn lane was a car. This car, was rear ended by I think was a Jeep Cherokee… So the front of the Cherokee was pretty mangled, and the back of this car was pretty much ruined. Kind of normal right?


On top of the car that the Cherokee ran into was a minivan. Oddly it was laying ACROSS the car so if you were to view it from above, it would look like a +

The worst part?
The car that was lying under a Minivan and got rear ended by a Cherokee was a beautiful red Ferrari F430.

I didn’t see any ambulances in the area, I hope nobody got hurt. It was just so odd to see a crash like that in real life, I’ve never seen anything like that before.
Still doesn’t top the guy and his Buggati though.

You didn’t stop to see if everyone was ok?

[quote]RSGZ wrote:
You didn’t stop to see if everyone was ok?[/quote]

There were already some 4 police cars there already. I saw the flashing lights up ahead and thought it was a RIDE program (Canadian thing to check for drunk drivers). Not so much…

Couldn’t even grab us a cell phone shot?

[quote]Stuntman Mike wrote:
Couldn’t even grab us a cell phone shot?[/quote]

My phone is a hunking pile of shit, which wouldn’t be able to make out anything. It was dark out as well, had I had a camera on me I would have gone to take a picture of it. I’ll be checking this week to see if there is a picture. Also, maybe the news will have something.

Reminds me of this.
How the fuck…?