Yes, there actually is such a thing.
I have noticed that there are alot of different people on this site, with lots of differing opinions as to weather or not we were intelligently designed or evolved through an evolutionary process from single celled organizms. This is a subject that has pretty much consumed me for the past few years and I would like to outline what I have concluded through my own personal research.
Evolution: A few years back a big concern of mine was evolution. I believed in God but, doubted weather or not things happened the way the bible actually accounted them. This is no longer a concern for me and the place it stopped being a concern is actually quite ironic. It was in my Science class while studying Evolution.
What I concluded upon finishing the course is that; Evolution is completely false. Now thats a big statement. I should probably back it up a little bit. The fossils we find that are believed to be proof of pre-historic man are actually no proof at all. If you were to actually look at one of these fossils you would probably be slightly skeptical as I was. There are no full skulls, no pefectly skulpted skeletons like we see in museums.
What Scientists have found, are small fragments. A piece of a skull, a femer, or the jawbone to a face are all they ever find. The rest is constructed with their vivid imagination and some plaster. You might have heard of the Java man. Scientists believed for a short period of time that he was their “missing link”. But he was only a fragment of skull and a small piece of femer. In today’s world we are so quick to believe what most scientists say.
People dont question for themselves anymore. At least, they dont question the scientists, the allmighty benevolent scientist. Most people have this mindset that if theres a study on a certain subject that it is absolutely correct. But for every study out there there are a hundred more that say just the oposite, which you T-men know better than anyone.
This is where the word exact-science comes in to play. A true oxy-moron if I have ever heard one. Scientist do their tests on whatever they find and tag an age on it. Carbon-dating, as far as I know, is the only method they use. A process in which they examin the half-life of the carbon isotopes in the fossils or whatever it may be.
This method seems incorrect to me, and to my associates because, it is impossible to determine how much carbon was originally there. Personally I dont believe, the world is more then 20,000 years old. But I’m just a crazy bible fanatic right? It is not absolutely absurd to believe what I believe. A simple math equation can show that if you started with 2 humans in 400 years you would have over 100,000.
But my message is not about exposing what is wrong with science, or getting you to believe what I do. My message is about being open and discovering for yourself what you beieve. You all know that old methods and old ways are shit, to put it quite bluntly. Weightlifters back in the day would benifit so greatly from our knowledge now. I think its time for a change in the way we think too. I’d like to end with letting everyone know that I have a large ammount of respect for T-Nation.
Note: My grammar is terrible.