Instructions on Heating Test E

Hey guys, quick question for you all. I’m fairly new to gear, and I just started my third cycle of test E two shots of 250/ml a week. This is my first time on test E as the last two cycles were test C. I’m five shots in and every one of them have caused swelling and pain for three days or so. It’s to the point where it’s hard to train legs. I trust my source and he is using the same product with no issues. I’ve been reading that it’s a smart idea to heat the test when having this problem. I just need advanced instructions as I have no idea what I’m doing. Should I boil water? Stick it in the oven for a period of time? Any advice would be extremely helpful! And thanks for all your help on this post as well as on others. This site is a life saver.

I’ve heated about an inch of water in a pan over the stove and put the bottle in with a needle (no syringe) for venting and gently spun it. Put it in for like 5-15 secs and then remove it for 15 secs and repeat. I did that to get rid of crystals but it certainly could work in your situation for just heating it. It doesn’t take long to get really hot so be careful.

Are you wanting to just warm it up pre injection or are you wanting to kind of re-brew it to make sure the raw test e is thoroughly melted?

There should be no PIP with good drugs.
Try dividing your shots into two locations and if you still have PIP your source is junk.

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How many times did you repeat that process before it worked? Thanks for the help

I don’t think heating it is the answer. If the carrier oil is too thick and that’s what’s causing the problem then perhaps it will work. But if it’s the brewing process—namely the amount of solvent in it—then nothing will fix that.

That said, a candle warmer is the most frequently suggested way of heating it. But everything that was previously said will work as well.

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Will do. This guy is having no issues and is using the same test

Rebrew it

did it crash? I dont see how reheating it will fix anything unless it crashed.

If you just want to reheat it for a smoother injection there are a number of methods. Inch of water in a pan on the stove or coffee mug in the micro wave or I am currently using my wifes curling iron…or straightener. Its something for her hair but I wrap the vial in tissue other wise the label melts to the iron and I get in deep shit LOL Be careful not to inject scalding hot oil as that is tons of fun.

“Rebrew” go the pin in top boiling water route.

Also as previously mentioned, mild PIP here or there fine but if you cant walk or train legs for a few days after injecting EVERY TIME then the gear is probably not good.

It is possible you need to use a different injection spot. I can not use my glutes for anything but EQ or I get a knot. It wasnt always like that but it is now after a few years.

Ok assuming it is just test enanthate then the UGL probably didn’t hear it to begin with.

I use to use to one inch of water in a pan but that actually doesn’t always get the bottle to boiling temp, it can get it close but not always will it get to boiling and it won’t go over boiling. I use one inch of basic cooking oil for my medium and it definitely gets it over boiling. You can do that and heat it for about 10-20 minutes and that will definitely melt and completely melt thw test enanthate. Or you can simply bake it at about 250-275 for half an hour to 45 minutes.
Either way you need a venting needle in the septum. The end of the needle needs to be in the middle of the air space in the vial so that as the vial heats the expanding air can escape.

Like I already said chances are the UGL didn’t even hear your test e. Once you mix the raw powder with the bb and ba it is usually already clear so folks think that you don’t need to heat it, not true. Even though it iss clear there are still tiny little crystals of test e floating around. There is a chance that those crystals are what is causing the PIP. The other main Theory of PIP is the high level of organic solvents cause it, unless you are using a test e 350 or higher the chances are they didn’t add extra solvents because the solvents like EO cost more than the carrier oils. It not guaranteed they certainly could have some EO in simple test e 250 just to make it nice and thin but chances are no they don’t unless it is 350 or up. The theory around PiP being caused by the solution crashing once injected is based on the solvents getting absorbed by the muscle to first then the remaining solution can’t hold the hormone in liquid melted dissolved form so it forms back into crystals and they cut the muscle from the inside. If they didn’t heat the brew properly then that is a form of the “crashing once injected” theory, it’s just that the hormone is already in small crystals as injected but the same thing happens, crystals inside the muscle tissue cutting it from the inside.

So try heating it, hopefully that helps it smooth out. For clarification all temperatures were in farheneit so convert them to Celsius to know what you need to.

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