Insomnia from EQ?

Whats up team?!?!?
I started a cycle of 500mg test per week alongside 600mg EQ, and 300mg Mast. I ran 500 test and 300 mast from weeks 1-3, and I slept like a baby and felt great! Then I threw in EQ at 600mg per week, and all of a sudden, I am getting practically no sleep…I fall asleep fine, but then im up 3-4 hours later, and my mind is racing. I havent gotten any anxiety which I know can happen. But honestly, the sleep impairment has been worse than when I used Tren… Any ideas on what I can do to survive this? Sleep aids, AI’s, etc? I am on a contest prep, so I am contemplating dropping the EQ entirely, and upping the Mast to compensate.
I really value all your opinions so all are welcome!