Injection Pain, Test E Cycle

Hey guys!
Stats: 192lbs 5’9 24y/o been training for 2 years
Decided to start my first cycle, simple test e with an ai and proper pct planned
I’ve pinned glutes 6x now, first few pins gave bad pip, probs due to Virgin muscle. For the first few pins I used a 23g 1.25 inch needle for injection but after reading through the forums I decided I should change it to 25g 1.5 inch. My last 2 injection were both using the latter needle and it hurts really bad. The pain is only at the injection spot and feels like radiating out to lower leg. Today morning, I aspirated and there was blood so probably knicked a vein. I removed needle, swapped with new one and injected elsewhere in the same site. What I need to know is that am I going in too deep? Should I keep using the 1.5 inch? Is there any chance I might hit the bone (sounds stupid but I’m worried). Any input is greatly appreciated, I’m freaking out since its my first cycle. I look bigger and strength is bit up (probs water) and I want to keep at it.
Also, I do shake when pinning and sometimes not in perpendicular to my butt cos it’s hard to reach.
Thank you!

It is unlikely that you are going too deep. I use a 23 g 1.25" needle with no problem. I inject in glutes and upper quads with no problem. The PIP is probably from virgin muscle and the fact that you shake. Don’t worry a lot of us shake when pinning. Try rubbing the injection site vigorously afterward to disperse the oil. You also might try pinning in your upper quad. A lot less veins there and minimal pain (at least for me)

Ventrogluteal, my man. If you do it right it’s painless.

Yes I’ve heard by is easier but for the life of me I can’t find it

Alright, that’s very reassuring. I’ll wait and see how th pain changes in the Comin days!
Thanks mate

Google “ventrogluteal” and the first result should be a nurses how-to guide. It’s much better. Give it a try and see if it helps.