Hi, im on Test propionate 300mg eod and taking for estrogen 0.25 Arimidex eod with the injection.
My estrogen is now at 47 but i want to get in the optimal range of around 22.
What would you recommend?
If i take 0.5 Arimidex it would be too much i think.
Why? Even if it makes you feel like shit and affects your erection quality and your ability to gain mass? Come on man, don’t let pride or ignorance or anything like that affect your health and goals. Your basing your goal of 22 on a proven fallacy. You need to do your homework and re-evaluate your goals
No one’s gonna reccomend a higher adex dose for many reasons. The biggest being they don’t know how you respond to adex only you do. Nevermind the fact it’s completely ignorant to use more for the reasons you stated.
You obviously know how adex affects you. You know it lowers your estrogen. So you answered your own question you want your E2 lower so use more adex. Asking strangers how much more adex to get YOUR levels down another 25 points when adex affects everyone differently is ridiculous. And further more if you were to actually take someone’s advice on an increased dose amount would be irresponsible.
Dude its about i can only halfing the tablet to 0,25 or 0,5. i need something like 0,35 adex eod. But thats not possible by cutting the pill. So i ask for other options to get 10-20 points estrogen drop.
An option would be DIM but idk if that makes 10-20 points .
Another point would be a less intensive AI, maybe someone can recommend.
AIs of all different kinds affects each of us differently. It’s one thing for someone to have a extremely high E2 with horrible high E2 side effects and me say take 0.25 mg of adex twice a week to bring the numbers down a bit.
What your asking tho is an impossible question for anyone to answer your asking how much more adex or any AI to lower estrogen 10-20 points. Even for you who knows how adex affects them (we don’t) that’s gonna be an extremely hard thing to accomplish. That’s such a fine line your essentially playing with fire and what will probably be crashed estrogen and misery.
As stud said this 22 number where does it come from? Bro science it comes from bro science that has been repeated and you have fallen for. So now your gonna play around with more AI crash your estrogen most likely because trying to accomplish a 10-20 point drop when already at a low E2 is risky and pointless.
Just stop bro. I’m suprised you even feel good with a E2 of 47 with that much testosteron. Stop trying to fix something that isn’t broke.
Dont listen to these haters. They only go off of bro science. If you want that dry look, up it 1mg EOD. Thats where the magic number is at. No need to listen to these guys,
I’ll be waiting for your crashed E2 thread. I’ll go ahead and give the answer. Drink a beer before bed for a week and it’ll bring your E2 up quicker.
Now back to crashing it. Get yourself a milligram scale on Amazon for $10. You weigh out exact measurements. Just cutting and eyeballing the pill isn’t good enough. You’re going to be taking 40mg one day and 60 the other even though it looks totally even. Get the scale so you can take the exact dose every time. Don’t do that dissolving in alcohol shit either. The scale is the way to go when taking shit that is going to hugely effect your mind and body.