The 2 on 2 off program really sounds good to me.I am going to give u my cycles that I want to run and would welcome input.
I’ve given ny history in past threads.Basically have worked out for many years.Done quite a few cycles and am interested intesting ou this new stradegy.
I am a little confused on the pct.As it is a shortened one.
The 3 cycles I would be working with would be somewhat of a lean cycle for strength,a cycle that is for mass and a cycle that ends up somewhere btwn.
So cycle A would be a lean cycle.
Tren acetate at 700mgs ED for 2 weeks
Test Prop at 50mgs ED for 2 weeks
adex at .25mgs E3D
Nolva 100/60/40/40/40/40/40 then 20mgs aday for a week(thought a front load was possible but would welcome insight with this)
Cycle B would be somewhere in btwn
Test Prop 100mgs ed for 2 weeks
Masteron 100mgs ed for 2 weeks.
same adex and pct as above
Cycle will be complete bulk
Test prop 150mgs ED for 2 weeks
Tren acetate at 100mgs ED for 2 weeks
drol at 100mgs ED for 2 weeks
same ai and pct as above
Also adex will be adjusted as needed
Can I use sustanon in some cases to switch with the test prop
Are any of these cycles to harsh therefore needing more recovery time.
Would like to get EQ in there but it’s a long ester and thought it wouldn’t be a great idea?
So i feel ok with everything but obviouslly need a couple questions most importantly being the pct.
Well I hope you dont have a proplem with mine BB!!!
Chris that still is a GHEY avtar.
Anyway I have done the 2on and off for around 6 months now. I did it for slow gains to stay under the radar. DIDNT WORK. I am always getting asked if I am on the juice. I really have only put on 15lbs. I hope you are not planning 700mg ED of TA!!! I think you man 70 ed. I now take 100mg a week non stop of test E and 50mg TA ed for the 2 weekers. I like the night sweats and the strenght from TA. I also think that alot of gain in my size is a product of becoming very strong. While this is not strong to many, Benching reps over 300, deadlifting for reps 450ish, squating over 315 reps and overhead pressing 160 for reps I can feel myself grow. I put on 1" on my arms in 6 months. Get this I do no direct arm work!!! I ripped the side of my shorts out today squatting. This cycle works for me very well and its cheap. I take no armidex due to the low test per week and the anti E properties of TA. I also do no HCG or novola. I have the libido of a 16 yr old. I know a big part of going to the gym for me is just to look at the chicks. My old lady loves the attention she gts now that I am a horndog. Life is great. By the way did I say that avtar is GHEY!!!
[quote]IKIMURA wrote:
I really have only put on 15lbs.[/quote]You’ve gained 15 pounds overall? What would you say has happened to your bodyfat %? Same? Increased? Decreased?
[quote]IKIMURA wrote:
I now take 100mg a week non stop of test E and 50mg TA ed for the 2 weekers.[/quote]So you have decided to be always “on”? TRT? This is interesting to me because I think one of the biggest advantages of the 2 on/2-4 off cycle is the rapid HPTA recovery. But, since you’re always “on” anyway, why not extend the “blast” periods a little bit?
Have you considered running a higher dose of TA during your “on” weeks? Maybe bumping it up to 75 or even 100 mg/day to see how it goes? Or, do you feel that 50mg is “right” for you as far as not wanting to deal with anymore sides?
Chris Eales - This isn’t a flame, but maybe your avatars are causing some of the vets to not take you seriously. Could be wrong, just throwing that out there.
[quote]IKIMURA wrote:
I really have only put on 15lbs.[/quote]You’ve gained 15 pounds overall? What would you say has happened to your bodyfat %? Same? Increased? Decreased?
Body fat has dropped maybe 1-2% (Around 15%). I am eating 20gr protein every two waking hours. I am friggin happy with the gains. I am more of a strength guy anyway. Christ I am at 198 at 5’9". It is a cheap, easy and proven cycle for me. I think once I meet my power lifting goals I will try a cut. I find eating the hardest part. Think about how little product I have used for 15 lbs.
[quote]IKIMURA wrote:
I now take 100mg a week non stop of test E and 50mg TA ed for the 2 weekers.[/quote]So you have decided to be always “on”? TRT? This is interesting to me because I think one of the biggest advantages of the 2 on/2-4 off cycle is the rapid HPTA recovery. But, since you’re always “on” anyway, why not extend the “blast” periods a little bit?
Have you considered running a higher dose of TA during your “on” weeks? Maybe bumping it up to 75 or even 100 mg/day to see how it goes? Or, do you feel that 50mg is “right” for you as far as not wanting to deal with anymore sides?
Naa I will not be going higher. I am trying to stay under the radar and even at that I am getting questioned. Yes this is a good dose for me. Bill Roberts helped me set this up along with BB. At first I was doing 100mg Test P ED with 50 mg TA ED. I didnt like the Prop pain and I felt no better than with the 100mg Test E weekly. I am Happy as hell with the strength progress. The boners are awsome!!!
Chris Eales - This isn’t a flame, but maybe your avatars are causing some of the vets to not take you seriously. Could be wrong, just throwing that out there.[/quote]
[quote]Chris Eales wrote:
I’m almost starting to think BBB forgot about me.[/quote]
I did.
I would run 100mg tren ace + 30mg dianabol ED for 2 weeks, nolva for 2 weeks, repeat a few times then take 6 weeks off.
This should REALLY kick ass I would think.
Nolva for the full 2 off eh Al? @ 20mg/day I take it?
I may decide to go back to this route myself at some point here. Benefits of fast acting ester/strong AAS, two week break from everything including “sticks”, and relatively easy on the liver and hpta. I like it.
I know way back when, I was going with the anadrol and winstrol, it was indeed a beautiful and very effective way of cycling.
[quote]Chris Eales wrote:
I’m almost starting to think BBB forgot about me.[/quote]
I did.
I would run 100mg tren ace + 30mg dianabol ED for 2 weeks, nolva for 2 weeks, repeat a few times then take 6 weeks off.
This should REALLY kick ass I would think.
Nolva for the full 2 off eh Al? @ 20mg/day I take it?
I may decide to go back to this route myself at some point here. Benefits of fast acting ester/strong AAS, two week break from everything including “sticks”, and relatively easy on the liver and hpta. I like it.
I know way back when, I was going with the anadrol and winstrol, it was indeed a beautiful and very effective way of cycling.
Anyway, good luck to the OP.[/quote]
I’ll pose it to Bill Roberts then if you please…
So what of it then, personally I never had any trouble recovering what so ever when running two week cycles a couple years back. In fact my strength levels continued increasing during the off weeks, though not as dramatically as the on weeks certainly.
So what do you think Bill, use nolva on off weeks or simply after a few of the 2 weekers back to back are completed, and then as standard pct protocol at that point?