I'm a movie star

Well, to tell you the truth I’m really more of a movie producer and cameraman.

Forwarded Text:

Okay, the Edmonton Trials Scene has produced it’s first real video. More specifically I have produced the video (which is why there are so few clips of me :\ I’m the one with the wounded testicles (you’ll understand)

Anyway, you can either stream it (while it allows) at:
Stream here!

Trust me, it won’t let you download it from there.

Or you can right click and download from:
Right Click and Save Here!



As it turns out you can download from the first link (which I’d prefer you use since it’s a free server).

What you have to do is just left click and hold somewhere on the page then move the cursor over the download link. Without letting go of the left button click the right button and you can then “save target as”.

Let me know what you think.


Stu, I downloaded it from second link (sorry I didnt see your next post before then).

All I get is an avi file 36.2 mb (after unzipping). It plays music, but only shows a white banner page with “Edmonton trials scene page 1” the whole time… IE no video action?

You need to have the latest DivX codec to watch it otherwise it won’t come through. I think it was 5.0.3.

You can get it free from

Dangit, totally forgot about updating that.

Hey have you found a divx player that doesnt install adware or other crap with it?

Unfortunately no. However some of the more computer literate members of the forum may know of some. . .


you can install divx on windows media player, if you have microsoft, and not use the divx player. I do that.