You’re a better man than me lol. To be fair I think I was also tweaked on an adderall that day too. I was coming off a 24 on the ambulance where we didn’t get to sleep at all and I had to get off work and be an adult the next day
I have daily prescription vyvanse @ the max prescribed dose. Whoops, I’m one upping again but your work scenario was probably significantly more stressful.
Damn you, Brady. Now I have to down a bottle of adderall and 5g of caffeine to prove my manhood
Well I’m currently following Brian’s (Alpha) daily workouts and tonight he prescribed the following:
“Bring Sally Up Front Squats
Load a bar lighter than your ego wants you to and hit “play” on the song. Then follow the lyrics.
If you do not make it the entire way through the song with front squats, continue to follow the lyrics with Burpees in place of your front squats.”
You follow this song:
I probably should have listened to this song before doing this. There is a lot of time sitting in the bottom position… I managed to get to 2min 15s with only 95lbs on the bar! I did burpees for the remainder of the song. My upper back seemed to be the weak link here, legs might have been able to complete it.
About the same for me
I tried that a while back with 135 for Back Squats failed miserably but I am also weak.
That’s good… For a beginner.
On a side note I’ve downed 3 Monsters before then taken a 30 min nap then woken up had another Monster with a pre-workout mixed in then trained within the space of about 1 and a half hours. You get to the point where you can feel your pulse in your stomach and damn you have a great session.
I’m on a bus and incredibly bored so I worked it out. The four monsters are a total of 720mg of caffeine assuming each can was 500ml and the most caffeine I could find in a pre workout was 225mg so that’s only 945mg.
The side note was just a story of me abusing caffeine then falling asleep immediately afterwards. I’ve had far more than a gram in one day. The beginner thing was a joke.
Can we make this a challenge then?
No, we cannot make this a challenge. And you young man, need to back off the Monsters. You are thrashing your CNS.
If anyone actually took me seriously I’m sorry. About the Monster abuse there are far worse things for you than them which I don’t take, rather a Monster than a cigarette.
I feel a incoming swarm of people telling me how bad Monsters are for you.
I drink like one a day. Hella addictive. There was a guy I used to work with on 3rd shift. He would drink like 3 a day and one day his Vitamin B levels were so spiked and his blood pressure and shit got so high, his throat started bleeding and he looked like he had jaundice. I say all this as I am drinking one now
Too much of ANYTHING is still too much.
I am not saying it’s bad to have one occasionally, just don’t rely on them to keep you going, or simply because you like them. But…
It’s your life, you can do with it what want.
Damn that’s metal. They are pretty addictive as well.
I’ve already had two Monster Ultra’s a caffeine pill a coffee and a lucozade.
I can function fine without them I get enough sleep and eat enough. They just sort of supplement my energy levels and help me at school for 6 hours then at work until 9 at night. Meh, could be a druggy or a drinker or a smoker.
I drink 60-100 ounces of coffee most days of the week. According to the great internet 64 ounces is 727mg of caffeine. I usually drink a pot in the morning on my days off before I do anything else. At work I drink three to five 24 ounce cups throughout the day. I feel no jitters, no rush of energy, nothing. I have a high tolerance to substances apparently. Pain pills (post-surgery), stimulants, etc. I’m not bragging because it’s quite disappointing. My wife can take 1g of beta alanine and her skin is on fire. I take 6 grams and barely feel it.
My advice to you Monster lovers: if you don’t need it, don’t drink it. That way you don’t get desensitized. Then on days where you’re really dragging ass you can have one and it will actually help perk you up. Plus the man-made chemicals in that crap is pure poison. I saw a documentary on Netflix about food that theorized that our bodies hold on to fat because it’s the only thing that can filter and absorb the toxins in our man-made processed foods. Consider that if you’re trying to shed those last 5-10 lbs of fat to get a shredded physique.
As for challenge ideas, someone freaking pick one!
I think @furo and @ActivitiesGuy should pick. It was their idea to begin with, and they were kind enough to include everyone.
We could also let the winner of the 405lb Deadlift Challenge pick the new challenge… Guess that could be the reward for winning since we’re not offering anything else (besides bragging rights, of course).
OMG! Are you insane? We will all die if we let @brady888 pick it.
Biggest supertotal in 5 minutes or less?
I like this idea although how many people are comfortable with the Olympic lifts?