I had a thought concerning post workout supplementation the other day, and came to a point that I couldn’t answer.
Considering that a typical max strength workout would be somewhere in the 3 rep range, a set should come in around the 12 second or less mark. This would mean that one would be using the atp-pc system, with a slight spillover into the anaerobic alactic system.
If one remains mostly in the atp-pc system, there should be little glycogen usage. If there is only slight spillover into the anaerobic alactic system, glycogen usage should be nearly inconsequential.
My question is whether a post workout drink needs to contain such a large amount of carbs, and might one be better off with some different mix?
I know there have been numerous studies reporting increased recovery with supplemention of a carb/protein drink etc. But in every single one I’ve seen the details on, that is after an endurance workout, or a “strength” workout that consists of the standard 10 rep range.
The only explanation I could come up with is that increased post exercise oxygen consumption leads to glycogen depletion in some way.
I know this can be considered splitting hairs, but if there is no need to consume more, why do it?