Yes, apologies @blshaw & @swoops39 as I’m realizing I’m not giving enough detail for decent discussion.
My plan is to have people come in for the 15-min test, and then use this to pre-qualify and get them signed up for weekly shots. Once they’re signed up, we then set a 2nd appointment for a second blood draw and that blood draw we would do both in-house T, plus in-house PSA, and send off for a comprehensive lab panel. Making sure we schedule new consults before 10am only is annoying, but I really want to be able to process insurance claims (after accreditation is complete) and I feel it would be a disservice if we onboard people as cash pay only in the first 2-3 months and then don’t have a way of retro-ing them into Insurance based on the methodology we used to initially qualify them for service.
This approach will be compliant with insurance provider requirements of two tests on different days (provided both blood draws happen before 10am), and will give enough detail to start treatment in a contientious manner.
The NPs will be nested under the MD, though i’ll be paying them through my LLC. I believe I can pay them directly vs. having to route the payments through the PLLC, but if needs to route to & back from PLLC, that’s also no big deal. Getting legal docs worked up atm, so if that’s needed, it will will become clear from the MSA agreement structure.
We are planning on offering multiple services, but with focus on TRT. Services include Weight Management, Vitamin Wellness, and Sexual Health (all focused on providing for Men exclusively). I am also planning on adding some aesthetic options like Botox, maybe Microneedling too down the line once I have a decent client base too, as there seems to be a market for it locally for men in a specific place that is male only focused.
I am planning to offer Deca Nandralone and possibly some Peptides too (I know another provider in my area prescribes Deca so I feel comfortable to do so). I’m pretty much in the dark as far as Peptides go and need to do a bit of research. From day 1, I will not be stocking supplements, but I may add various supplements too down the line. From others I have heard (anecdotally) that anything OTC people will just buy online from amazon or elsewhere and its not worth carrying the stock just to carry them on-site.
If there are any additional services or prescriptible products that you think may resonate or be suitable for including, I’d love to know your thoughts!
Oh, I am also planning on having an InBody scanner on-site for people to use whenever they want to check bodyfat and track progress against health goals.