Being from NH, I am very happy to see this. I am especially pleased w/ the key term “Jeffersonian”. He knew the falicies of a central gov’t w/ too much power (Jefferson vs. Hamilton when the Consititution was being written). They are in fact coming to fruition, and if we are not careful, Obama and the gang at Congress (Pelosi-man, she scares me) will create more nationalized power in 4 years then has been created since FDR.
[quote]JD430 wrote:
That is a beautiful document and a movement that many of us could get behind. However, the socialists in places like CA, NJ and MA would never allow anything similar to gain traction in their kingdoms. If some states begin signing off on this, it will probably lead to even greater regionalization. Sad in a way to see such a divided country, but we have fallen prey to our own success and also to the traitors that have spent decades subverting our ideals.
This is certainly something to watch carefully.[/quote]
I support it 110%.