Six and a half years ago, you were 140 pounds. Five years before that, you said “I started at 137 and I’m 150 now.”
In 2013, you were benching 85 for 3x5. 6 and a half years later it’s “I benched 120 lbs last week @ 4x6 (with so-so form…not always going to chest)”.
You’ve wasted time, but it wasn’t spent getting fat. Or getting strong. You’ve had a lot of repetitive threads asking the same type of “how do I eat?”-questions and have made the same unwarranted claims of “I bulked up and only got fat” several times over the years.
In reality, you’ve just been hamster-wheeling for over a decade. It happens to some guys, unfortunately, but it’s only fixable when you recognize the pattern and consciously decide to commit to changing your habits.