Hello all. Not so long ago i spoke with my doctor about some issues i was having at a regular check up. We discussed the possibility that it was Low T. Because i was low on previous tests in the past couple years, but was stonewalled by an ancient doctor, i figured i would bring it up to this one.
He spoke briefly about the reports of health risks and what not and then he said he would let me see for my self if it made a difference. His recommendation was 100mg T cyp every other week. I filled the prescription and began my journey. i had to call in a second vial because it seemed i had flown through the first.
as it turns out, the pharmacy had given me a 200mg vial instead of the 100mg stuff so the one ml i was supposed to be taking had me running through it. Anyway…I went from about 300 all the way to 1197 on my next test. Man i was feeling like a beast!
Because i was so high , he has decided to bring me back down to 100mg, once per month. ONCE PER MONTH! this doesnt seem right does it? I am completely drained after a little bit of exertion starting to get flabby again (maybe its in my head) and just in a pissy mood all the time.
Could it be im crashing and something truly horrible is going on? I dont know. But is it common to be prescribed 100mg once per month? seems like the peaks and valleys would be killer and more damaging.