I Did Blood Tests. Thoughts?

I did blood tests
what do you think they are and what should I do?

creatinine 1,18 mg/dl

got (ast) 57 u/l

cpt (alt) 85 u/l

hdl 26 mg/dl

ldl 102 mg/dl

cpk 1097 U/l

fsh 0,3 mui/ml

prolactin 0,2 ng/ml

estradiol 19 ng/ml

testosterone 15,00 ng/ml

What are the ranges? It looks like your test is capped.

And what exactly is the question?

I wanted to know what you thought you see me good or you donā€™t see them good

What are the ranges?
What compounds are you using?
How far into cycle is this?
What AI at what dose are you using?

I want to know how you evaluate my blood values

Fine bro. Everything looks great. Perfect everything!