I Am Not F&cked: A Log About Hope


A1) Cable Lateral Raises, One arm, Standing: 17.5lbs x10, X10, X10, x10, ea
B1) 45 Degree Back Extension (Bwt) X10, X10, x10
C1) Parallel Close Grip Pull-ups (Bwt) x10, x6, x6, x5, x4
B1) Soleus Raises (Seated) 60lbs X12, X12, x10
C1) Lying Hamstring Curls: 130lbs x6, x6, x6
D1) Lateral Plank Holds (off feet, BWT) 30 sec x3 left side harder due to back stuff
E1) Supported Dumbbell Wrist Extensions: off preacher pad: 15lbs (ea) X20, x15, x10, then curled bar (15lbs?) X20 with two hands
F1) Cable Face Pull/shoulder ER with single arm handle : 22.5lbs X15, x15, x15 ea

Airdyne bike: 18mph, 10 min


Bodyweight: 217lbs

A1)RESS w/offset DB/light hand support 55lbs X10 ea
B1) Dips (Bwt) x9, x7, x5, x4
B2) SL Calf Raise from deficit X15, X15 ea
C1) EZ Bar Preacher Curl 70lbs X15,x10, x8, x8
D1) Seated Calf Raise Machine (Staright Knee) 235lbs X10, X10, x10
E1) Incline DB Flyā€™s (25lbs ea) X10, X10, x10
F1) Decline Reverse Crunch X15, X10
G1) V-Hammer Squat Machine (Facing back pad) 254lbs x8, x8, x8



A1) Cable Lateral Raises, One arm, Standing: 20.5lbs x10, X10, X10, x10, ea
B1) 45 Degree Back Extension (Bwt) X10, X10, x10
C1) Parallel Close Grip Pull-ups (Bwt) x10, x7, x6, x5, x4
B1) Soleus Raises (Seated) 60lbs X12, X12, x10
C1) Lying Hamstring Curls: 130lbs x8, x8, x6
D1) Lateral Plank Holds (off feet, BWT) 30 sec x3 left side harder due to back stuff
E1) Supported Bar Wrist Extensions: off preacher pad: 25lbs curled bar X20, X15, x15 with two hands
F1) Cable Face Pull/shoulder ER with single arm handle : 22.5lbs X15, x15, x15 ea

Airdyne bike: 18mph, 10 min



A1)RESS w/offset DB/light hand support 50lbs X10, X10, x10 ea
B1) Dips (Bwt) x9, x7, x5, x4
B2) SL Calf Raise from deficit X15, X15 ea
C1) EZ Bar Preacher Curl 70lbs X15,x10, x8, x8
D1) Seated Calf Raise Machine (Staright Knee) 235lbs X10, X10, x10
E1) Incline DB Flyā€™s (25lbs ea) X10, X10, x10
F1) Decline Reverse Crunch X15, X10
G1) V-Hammer Squat Machine (Facing back pad) 254lbs x8, x8, x8

Treadmill walk inclined 2.0, 20 min

Struggling with fitness motivation, diet this past week. Only two workouts and was out of town this weekend.



A1) Cable Lateral Raises, One arm, Standing: 22.5lbs x10, X10, X10, x10, ea
B1) 45 Degree Back Extension (Bwt) X10, X10, x10
C1) Parallel Close Grip Pull-ups (Bwt) x11, x7, x6, x5
B1) Soleus Raises (Seated) 70lbs X12, X12, x10
C1) Lying Hamstring Curls: skipped
D1) Lateral Plank Holds (off feet, BWT) 30 sec x3
E1) Supported Bar Wrist Extensions: off preacher pad: 25lbs curled bar X20, X15, x12 with two hands
F1) Cable Face Pull/shoulder ER with single arm handle : 22.5lbs X15, x15, x15 ea

Airdyne bike 18 mph 20 min

Had a huge Chinese food dinner last night and washed it down with an IPA. My reaction to a poor work performance meeting that I felt was for show to single me out. :man_shrugging:


Eh, it happens. Track it (if youā€™re tracking) and move along!


Bodyweight: 217lbs

A1)RESS w/offset DB/light hand support 55lbs X10, X10, x10 ea
B1) Dips (Bwt) x9, x7, x5, x4
B2) SL Calf Raise from deficit X15, X15, x10 ea
C1) EZ Bar Preacher Curl 80lbs X10, x6, x5, 70lbs X8
D1) Seated Calf Raise Machine (Staright Knee) 235lbs X10, X10, x10
E1) Incline DB Flyā€™s (27.5lbs ea) X10, X10, x10
F1) Decline Reverse Crunch X15, X10, x7
G1) V-Hammer Squat Machine (Facing back pad) 254lbs x8, x8, x8

Treadmill walk inclined 2.0, 3.6 mph, 20 min



A1) Cable Lateral Raises, One arm, Standing: 22.5lbs x10, X10, X10, ea
B1) 45 Degree Back Extension (Bwt)+10lbs X10, X10, x10
C1) Parallel Close Grip Pull-ups (Bwt) x9, x7, x6, x5
B1) Soleus Raises (Seated) 60lbs X12, X12, x10
C1) Lying Hamstring Curls: 135lbs x8, x8, x7
D1) Lateral Plank Holds (off feet, BWT) 30 sec x2 ea
E1) Supported Bar Wrist Extensions: off preacher pad: 25lbs curled bar X20, X15, x12 with two hands
F1) Cable Face Pull/shoulder ER with single arm handle : 27.5lbs X10, x10, x10 ea

Airdyne bike 18 mph 15 min