I train mma and jiu-jitsu and am also on a 400 mg test enth, 250 mg tren enth and 250 mg deca a week cycle…Im in week 6 of 12 and I sprained my ankle real bad training with some guy.
Should I stop the cycle so I can recover from the injury, or just keep taking what im taking and hope to heal up?
Geez, in my opinion actually being on a cycle will speed up whatever recovery you need from an injury like this. Getting off of the cycle (while then hopefully concurrently doing PCT) seems somehow counter intuitive to me.
I believe some patients actually take anabolics after complicated surgery or procedure to speed up the recuperation process and to prevent loss of lean tissue.
I believe you might be speaking of Winstrol which has a notorious reputation as being a “tendon weakener”.
Also, you might also be referring to the fact that some believe steroids strengthen the muscles but not the tendons so there is greater risk to the tendon due to higher levels of stress that might be placed upon them from heavier loads.
Whatever the case, I think what you’re taking won’t be detrimental to your recovery; I truly believe it will enhance it.
[quote]overhand wrote:
Thanks, your a heck of a guy for helping!
Just wont be able to deadlift or do any legs for that matter nor will I be able to do jiujitsu or boxing, but I bet my bench goes up!
Thanks again dude.[/quote]
I have read some good things about injury recovery with IGF-1. Hex and some of the other pepetides that lead to GH release and increased IGF-1 could be considered. Perhaps some others will speak to that.
If its not broke and you only need 3-7 days of rest then by all means keep going the extra fluid retention caused by the gear [in particular the deca] will enhance healing.
well its past 7 days and still hurts…I just wont be able to train but I can still lift and am gonna try to get back to deadlifts and squats this week.
I guess it isnt broke, I talked to a PA that works in a ER and he said its a good sign I can walk and that if it were broke walking would be out of the question