HRT (hGH/test) on FX Tonight

Hey fellas I think everyone can tell that she ran shit in that marriage. Not once did you see him alone, or come up with his own ideas about what was going on.

What a colossal disappointment and the comments so far are right on target. I too was yelling at the TV and here is my 2 cents.

A middle-aged ex-athlete on 30 days of anti-aging therapy was the premise, right?
He is middle-aged, so introducing the teenager/suicide angle had no place in this program.
He is an ex-athlete and has zero interest in professional sports, so introducing the MLB/Balco/Bonds/Senate angle had no place in this program.
He is under the supervision of an anti-aging facility (which will/does provide the anabolics), so the purchasing Mexican steroids (and smuggling them) angle had no place in this program.

If having more kids (fertility) was such an obvious priority, Scott (and his wife, Timona) should never have been involved in this “30 day experiment”.

Random thoughts:
Scott: If your health is a priority, then make it so. Regardless of your wife’s jealousy, there is time for spouse, children, career, AND health.
Timona: Oh my God! I am still pulling out my hair and I have waited till the next afternoon to post this. What a frickin saboteur. I am fat, so my husband will stay fat. I am jealous of the in-shape cardio instructor, so I will make my husband side with me, even though I know nothing about her area of expertise. I do not want my husband on HRT, so I will scream for joy when his liver function test come back abnormal and pester/nag him to quit. I am fat and do not want to exercise, so at the end of the show, I will make my husband pull me up a steep hill in a wagon.
Doctor: Comes across as a quack when advising his client (Scott) to consume 40+ pills a day. Should have provided more thorough info (beforehand!) on infertility and liver function to Scott and Timona.
Bodybuilder / Personal trainer: Where were the multi-joint exercises? What the hell? A smith machine? At least he knew the 40+ pills a day was absurd.
Speed walker: I am a 68 yr old female, so that makes me an authority and I can proclaim that all that stuff does not work (referring to hGH & Testosterone).

I could go on and on (for 48 minutes, minus commercials), but you get the point.

The one positive message that was buried in all the minutia: A nutritious diet along with proper exercise can make you healthier and feel better (physically and mentally).

Cannot wait to see all the stereotypes portrayed in next week’s Muslim episode!

His cardio trainer had a nice body though… the wife was probably jealous that her husband was spending so much time with an athletic female and not her winey, fat ass.

Bob C looked pretty good too and they didn’t give him enough airtime to stick his foot in his mouth… although I did notice the shirt he was wearing. Free advertising for them.

Cardio trainer was good looking.

Wife was an ugly, sabateur cow. IF she lost weight she’d still be ugly. Then again her mouth doesn’t help either. “I didn’t want to say I told you so but, I told you so!”

BB/PT should be ashamed that the editing team only showed them doing lightweight curls, lightweight pushdowns, leg press, and other crap we wouldn’t agree to doing in an intro to increasing our own hormone levels. I am sure he had this chump do something worthy in the gym.

The guy himself displayed normal stressful behavior. All it took was my wife not to shut up when I was tired or stressed from work or school and to give me the 20 question treatment when I was away at college for me to have louder outbursts that would make tourettes guy look like a mormon missionary ringing a doorbell. Other than that he was at his peak, athleticism when he was in college? On a swim team no doubt? If I remember correctly most of the high school and college swimmers I knew were full on stoney. Yet contrary to popular belief about pakalolo, the swimmers still had the swimmer physique. Would the show ever touch upon past history? Hell no, it wouldn’t be a perfect scare tactic.

His assault into taking 41 different pills a day or as it was said on the show does appear to be very excessive. I don’t even think anyone belonging to the T-Nation takes that much stuff.

The injections were that of controlled, supervised use. Well maybe except for the belly injections in his personal domicile.

In using Coach Danny John’s awesome article about education- this hopeful should have used “systematic education”. Start with the cheap stuff, habits, and then when that is exhausted try the therapy. The sap would have been better off. BUT the average american would never have figured it out like that…probably only here at the T-Nation. lol.

Yeah I was disappointed, I too was yelling at the TV (not as bad as football season). I am amazed though at all the immediate blood tests. Not even a highly acclaimed life insurance company will do blood tests that close together- the results wouldn’t change after a day. Maybe I missed it but I never saw any blood test taken after his initial blood tests, during his therapy before his “bad news”. SO I can’t really buy into that crap.

Of course it becomes a FOX show when they drag in the half-assed story of the father who is leading the crusade, not against stupid adults, but against AAS and other supplements. Stupid adults would cover the coach who told the kid what route to take to get big and the idiot who subscribed the psycho-drug that has more suicide resulting from it than AAS. I was waiting for O’Reilly to come out and say, “…and that’s the bottom line.”

I can’t wait to see if this waif-cracker takes 30 days to a “reputable” martial arts school to see if a person can improve themselves and kick anyone’s ass in 30 days. Oh wait aren’t they doing the Muslim in America issue? Yep, FOX.

Not to be totally insensitive but…

Is it really fair of the baseball kid’s dad to blame his son’s suicide on the juice?

Granted, juice has no place in the life of an adolescent, but teenage suicide happens in many, many cases where the juice isn’t involved… Wouldn’t having a parent push you into being successful in sports and only playing JV baseball as a junior in high school be kinda stressful?

Did anybody else suspect that maybe the juice was just a symptom and not the cause of this kid’s problems?

I tivo’d this program the other night, really looking forward to it. Last night I settled in for what I thought would be an enjoyable hour, and ended up infuriated - can’t rmember the last time I saw such a one-sided piece of crap.

The premise: Take an out of shape 34 year old ex athelete, and in 30 days, using diet, exercise, supplements and steroids see if we can get him back to his college shape - let’s even see if he can match his college swim team numbers.

So far, so good. I was really looking forward to this. Obviously, the cycle would be too short, and probably simplistic. But - with maybe a test patch, the right supplements,lots of cardio, a professional quality diet and some hard lifting, I figured this guy would go from 202 to maybe 175-180 and put on 10 lbs of muscle.

Oh well. First of all, his “steroid cycle” was 100mg of test to start, then 50mg / week for another three weeks.
Also, HGH injected every day - no amount given. His “youth doctor” had him taking 42 pills / day - mostly faddish crap. This doctor also looked like crap, despite his claim that he had been on this program for 8 years. His family
physician would check him weekly for “adverse effects”, warning him of the dreaded roid rage, etc.

From the beginning, there were problems. Mainly, the soul-sucking cunt of a wife he is stuck with. She came right out of the box with comments on how this wouldn’t be cutting into his family time, and how they were really busy, and he couldn’t neglect his other obligations, blah blah blah. For crying out loud, bitch - it’s only a month.

The guy is out of shape and trying to fix it. Why would she act that way? Two reasons that I coud see: 1) She was a pig. Fat, and unattractive. They even, in a voice over segment, talked about how one spouse can “feel left behind”
when the other one makes positive changes. Really? Maybe if the other spouse is an insecure buffarillo. You could see that the last thing she wanted was her man in his college shape. 2) The cardio instructor, Heather. That’s right
. She was a little hottie. The wife even tags along on a cardio session, arguing with the instructor DURING exercise
about scheduling. What a bitch.

They didn’t talk about his diet at all. Just said he was “eating healthy”. As for weight lifting, the guy is shown
doing curls, and then “hoping this gets easier” Pussy. The only bright spot is his weights instructor. That was one big motherfucker.

Really, the focus was on the drugs and supplements - they were just waiting for something to go wrong, so they could pounce. It did. blood work end of week 2 show teo elevated liver functions - neither dr thinks it is the test or HGH. The guy actually has the sense to ask his weight instuctor ( I would have gone there too - this guy obviously knows which end of the needle the juice comes out of ). His instructor looks at all the crap his “ageing dr” is making him take and diagnoses the problem - “Your liver has to filter all this crap. Give it a fucking rest. Now I’m throwing this horrible shrieking yeti you call a wife out of here, and we’re gonne lift some fucking iron, god dammit!” Ok, maybe he didn’t say that, but he did nail the “supplements” as the problem. Meanwhile, the wife is in full freak-out. “You’ve got to stop! It’s not worth it.”

At this point, it really gets bad. We see him getting a little bitchy one evening while injecting his HGH, and this is passed off as roid rage. Please. It’s just a little test. He is not having a cycle contest with Paul Dillet.

Then they go to the fertility clinic. One of the concerns is his sperm count. The wife wants another kid. (Supposedly the husband does too, but he never says this). At this point, three weeks in, his sperm count is in the toilet. Of course, this is due to the test, and will recover, right? I mean, I have only a passing knowledge of steroids, but aren’t they supposed to do this? I am sure someone here on the forum can elaborate or correct me if needed. Anyway, they use this as the excuse to bail on the program three weeks in.

The entire program was just a setup to attack steroids and the supplement industry. During the “commentary”
segments, we see the producer in Mexico buying roids, etc. What a load of crap.

Oh, of course, during one of many “maybe we need to bail, this is not safe, wah fucking wah” conversations with a doctor, the guy admits that he fells much better, has much more energy, etc. At the end he has shaved a lot off of his swim time, and dropped 15 pounds in 3 weeks. This weak minded ass had a great opportunity handed to him, and let his overbearing possesive bitch of a wife destroy it. What a pussy whipped piece of shit. Death to everybody associated with this horrible show.

BTW - I see ttat the guy who did this is the “Supersize me” guy. So fucking what? Eat shit for a month and you gain weight? Wow, give this ass a nobel prize. There was a lady on TV last week who spent a month eating McD and LOST 20 lbs. It’s all about choices.

Also, in a prevoius post he was linked with the book, Fast Food Nation. No connection. That book is excellent - his film was one-sided and really proved nothing.

Spurlock has a blog. You can comment directly to him rather than post here where we can be absolutely sure he’ll never visit.

Hope that helps.