HRT Clinics or MD's in S CA

Yes this my situation. I was diagnosed with low T about a year ago by my urologist. Since then my dosage has been increased to the point where I’ve been injecting testosterone 200mg every 10 days to the point where I go thru crash feeling. Very fatigue, no sexual desire, no energy. Can’t even get erections or aroused like I did a yeay ago.

At first the injections helped somewhat but after 2 months or so they became ineffective. Even when I started the injections I never felt that surge of energy or increase in libido like others claim. My last testosterone results was about 900, but I still feel like sh*t. The only labs that my urologist has done are PSA and Testosterone levels. After reading many of these threads and forums I mentioned to my doctor whether I needed to take any estrogen blockers and he replied no.

From what I’m reading here it’s obvious that my E2 levels are probably so high that it’s defeating the whole purpose of the injections. I’m tired of throwing my $$ away seeing a urologist which are expensive, and would like to know if there are any good, reliable HRT clinics that I can trust to get my levels back to a working level. I live here in Los Angeles, so any referrals would be really appreciated.

Has to be a specialist that know about hormone replacement and not like the urologist that I’ve been seeing that is giving me bad advice. Thanks

Could be E2, could be that your primary axis has shut down. Test by itself is a big problem.

I PM’d you with specifics. I think you’re right and you need an AI and HCG.

I also think you should ditch your doctor because he doesn’t sound like he knows what he’s doing.