As they title states, for you men (and women) on bikes how is life treating you? As a kid I used to tool around on a 250 and for the longest time I have wanted to invest in a motorcycle. I have a particular interest in 05-06 Triumph speed triple. I am a college student so this would involve taking out a small loan but I figure if I am going to do it I might as well do it now when I would seemingly enjoy it the most (22 years old.)
However I have noticed that even when driving an automobile people tend to drive like douches. I have heard enough people taking a spill due to some douche’s shitty driving that it is a bit discouraging. So how is life on 2 treating you? What do you folks ride?
Also, if you haven’t already check out the Duc 1098. I think I’m in love.
Triumph’s are awesome, I have a 03 Speed Four which run’s low 11’s. The key to stayig alive on the street is using your brain, and lots of self control. There are times and places not to play, and then there are times when it is fairly safe. Know you town or city and take the saftest routes to your destination give your self extra time and don’t be hurried.
Freeways are among the most dangerous places for motorcycles so be extremely careful on them. An insurance agent told me that there is a 50% fatality rate for guys who ride crouch rockets. (gsxr’s, zx’s, R1,R6, Speed three’s and four’s and of course Duct’s) I am 44 and I have been down three times, all when I was young and dumb. I also pray before every ride. Have fun.
It all depends on where you live. If there a lot of bikes in your area, then drivers are more aware of them. I know around here I’ve never had any issue with shitty drivers not noticing me. It all depends on how good of a driver you are too. You certainly need to be considerably more defensive.
I bought a 2007 Suzuki GSX-R about 2 months ago. I am also 22 and in college. I love the bike and have had some close calls. The main thing is be aware of your surroundings and extra careful. As you get more comfortable on the bike it doesn’t mean you should get less aware either. It is my first crotch rocket but I raced motocross for 6 years before so the transition was pretty smooth.
I’m 49 and ride a Suzuki V-Strom 1000. Took a 12 year break from riding, due to family obligations, finances, etc. Prior to that, I had 10+ years riding experience, in my 20s - early 30s.
when I got back to riding, I was worried about drivers with cellphones, this problem didn’t exist when i was younger. Deer are also a major issue in my neck of the woods. So far, no major incidents. I live in a large metro area and commute 25 miles via mostly freeway.
You have to stay extremely focused, ride conservatively on the freeways, and avoid alcohol and drugs. Wear your gear at all times. Bikes these days are marvels, the speed triple is a beauty (as are all Triumphs), Have fun!
3 Years ago i helped a friend of the family move from Phila to MIA.
As i’m going down 95 from w.palm toward miami a guy on a harley passes me on the left. I noticed because he wasnt wearing a helmet. 2minutes later a lady in a minivan passes me from the right and keeps right on going into the bikers path. Cellphone? Of course, obviously she’s closing a multimillion dollar deal and the phone call was essential!
So into the bikers lane she goes, forcing him to swerve onto the grassy median where the bike begins to cartwheel… i will newver forget the sickening thudding sound that the bike and biker made as they tumbled in the grass @ 65+ mph.
I think bikes are great, i’m planning on getting one in the not too distant future. But the way folks drive today. It’s a real risk.
Yeah, I pretty much know that when riding you basically have to drive for everyone else on the road as well. Thanks for all the input thus far. It sounds like everyone has a positive feel on it excluding the few discouraging remarks…praying before riding!
I do not abuse any substances; I have never been in an accident. I am very good at keeping concentrated on the road at all times as that should be what one is doing. Occasionally I get to drive a RSX-S or TL; my main joy is turning off all distractions, hitting the road at night, staying focused, and just listening to the motor sing. I think I will be ok on 2 wheels.
So other questions:
What does male, 22 years old, and liter bike equate to in insurance? I know I am going to get reamed but to the tune of what? Maybe the guy on the gixxer can chime in here?
Also, what is recommended helmet wise? I will definitely be wearing one, and I do not mind sparing any expense when it comes to protecting my melon as that is the most valuable thing I own! The only real problem is that I prefer having an open face to regular style.
Should I force myself to grow accustomed to full face helmet or can open face helmets provide similar levels of protection; for example something like Arai SZ Ram III. Intuitively it seems I would be better protected by a full face…