Your responses are along my first impressions. Everything I’ve read so far (which is still very limited) seems against mixing orals. Why a lab would make a combined product like this…? I figured there must be some market or purpose for it I haven’t learned about yet.
It’s probably so they can market it as ‘new’ or something better than it is. It’s literally no different than taking 5mg of anavar and 5mg of winstrol alone, as you know.
I’d be willing to guess that one tab of ‘stanavar’ costs more than 5mg of anavar and 5mg of winstrol.
Your responses are along my first impressions. Everything I’ve read so far (which is still very limited) seems against mixing orals. Why a lab would make a combined product like this…? I figured there must be some market or purpose for it I haven’t learned about yet.[/quote]