Keep trying to respond to this but there’s clearly gremlins activity, hopefully it works this time…
Some cool ideas here! I particularly like the push ups and goblet squats every day for the teen, and loaded carries for the old dude.
Personally, I’d do:
A - 5/3/1 with tons of work for arms, shoulders and traps. It’ll keep him motivated. I’d also have him drink a couple of mass gainer shakes because I wouldn’t trust him to eat enough.
B - bodyweight circuits, moving to barbell complexes as she got better at moving around. I’d just sort of accept that her diet would always be shit and even though she was telling me it was all chicken salads, the bitch be eating cakes the whole time.
C - Mostly just getting up and down stuff. TGUs like LoRez said, although I’d not be doing stuff like swings. I’d do a lot of goblet squats with a pause on a box. That’d be the main exercise and we’d probably start every session with that.
Person A
it depends on athletic background and personal drive, but for a person with less drive, i"d probably start them out on a legs/upper/back/off/upper/back split. focus on two big barbell movements at the beginning of the session, then move on to fluff and buff work to get jacked.
if person A has more drive and wants to be da best then it’d be a starting strength variant with a bit more emphasis on accessory movements like tricep pushdowns, curls, etc.
Person B
give her some pseudo hard core diet plan that’s not too hard to follow. Take her to the gym and introduce barbell movements but have more emphasis on cardio and easier movements. Try to get more and more real training and less cardio/easier movements over time. It really depends on where the person wants to go, but this is to at least get her feet wet without bringing her too far out of her comfort zone.
Person C
10/20/life variant. 3 days per week of training. one upper, one lower, and one back/lower body assistance day. I would focus on variations that felt comfortable and didn’t aggravate injuries. Warmups would probably be more mobility focused, and more emphasis would be put on them in general.