How to Split Prefilled Syringe of Testosterone?

It is first time I am injecting testosterone.

I was prescribed Primoteston Depot – 250 mg testosterone enantate in 1mL

I want to inject 50mg = .2 every 3 days but the pharmacy package is prefilled syringe which contains 250mg, I’m not comfortable to inject that much at once.

I asked pharmacist to give me a glass bottle or something to keep the rest in it and just inject like .2 mL each time he looked at me weirdly and said no they don’t have anything

I was wondering is there any ways that I can split the the 1 mL to 5 x .2 mL ?

Primoteston depot???

Are you Australian by chance?

Buy 1ml syringes and backfill to 0.2ml right before you take a shot

Yes I’m in Australia

should I buy insulin syringes and prefilled 5 syringes of .2 mL or I should take .2 mL each time I want to do the shot and put the plunger back for next time? Which option is better ?

Is it easy to take out the plunger from the original prefilled of testosterone?


The gauge of the insulin needle is too thin to inject primoteston. Our test E (that can only be supplied via private script now… what bs) is comsiderably more viscous relative to the test E/C others get overseas

Don’t use insulin syringes unless you want each shot to take upwards of 10-15 minutes.

You can use the 19g needle from the prefilled syringe once, but reusing needles isn’t a good idea

The reason your pharmacist seemed irritated is because Australia typically still uses the 250mg e3-4wk protocol that is heinously outdated. You’re lucky you got 50mg e3d, must have found one of the few who are up to date re TRT protocols.

Buy 1ml syringes and 21-23g needles (I use 19 gauge because I have a damn near infinite supply of 19 g needles that were given to me for free)

Don’t prefill syringes days in advance because putting the plunger back in without wasting testosterone is difficult. Prefill right before you want to take the shot

Each 1ml syringe should last you 15 days. That’s like 28$ every 45 days. Cheaper than the vast majority of PBS subsidised TRT options and it gives more bang for your buck

Don’t even get me started on how outdated some of our protocols (like oral test U being heinously underdosed) are.

Don’t overthink it… this is not complicated.

You’ll probably feel better as long as you’re in range. For me 100mg 1x/wk is like night and day relative to baseline.

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Thank you so much mate for all the information you provided

Don’t use insulin syringes unless you want each shot to take upwards of 10-15 minutes.

Sorry what do you mean by saying “ to take upwards of 10 -15 minutes “ ?

Primoteston is a very thick, viscous liquid that doesn’t travel well through 28-31g needles.

It’ll take 10-15 minutes to prepare and use primoteston through an insulin syringe.

Thank you

I thought I can easily transfer the testosterone into the insulin syringe and inject it

You can

But the gauge of needle present within the insulin syringe is 28-31g. The viscous liquid that is primoteston hardly flows through insulin syringes, your shot will take 10+ minutes…

I can’t explain this any better than I already have

Go and try it for yourself and you’ll see what I mean

Better off buying 1ml syringes with 21-23 gauge needles that you can attach

Backfill those and inject.

I appreciate it, bro you provided really valuable information for me who had no idea because it is first time I’m injecting myself,
even I’m anxious and I feel weird that I’m going to inject myself a drug as the general judgment of people on this action :grin: