I have low E2 from a harsh tren cycle and wondering what supplements or peptides I can take to get in up, 15 pg/ml, only on 150mg test e a week split into two injections
Tren doesn’t lower E2. It also doesn’t aromatize. Did you run tren solo? Not understanding why this would be caused by a tren cycle unless it was ran solo which is very unwise.
No it wasn’t tren alone, it was a stack, I’m just wondering how to up my E2
Well for starters it’s not “that low”. More Test = more E2, but I’d you think it’s caused be a latent cycle just give it time.
I’m 6 months since that cycle, only running 150mg test weekly, are you saying I should increase the weekly dosage ?
Couldn’t tell you without seeing labs, but more Test = more E2 via aromatase. Your E2 isn’t that bad, what makes you think you need it higher?
my total testosterone is 883ng/dl, range is 280-1100, free test is 20.4ng/dl, SBG is 34nmol/L, range is 15-95, estradiol is 15pg/mL range is <OR= 29pg/mL. Prolactin is 7.1ng/ml , range is 2.0-18ng/ml
Some others have said my estradiol is low, also the fact I still have low libido and some ED has me thinking something is off