How to Do Test Prop/Anavar/Clomid Cycle

…short cycles 2-4 weeks with 2-4 weeks break before starting another? Or a longer cycle? Dosages?

I’m a performance athlete, so not interested in taking on much weight gain. Looking only for strength/power/stamina. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Assume that the probabilities of a new child being a boy is 0.51, and that the genders of children born into a family are independent. What is the probability that a family with 5 children has…

a. exactly 3 boys?
b. at least one girl?
c. all children of the same gender?

If you can work out the solution to this problem, I will answer this and any other question you have about creating a cycle. Good Luck!

[quote]W.H.B. wrote:
I will answer this and any other question you have about creating a cycle. [/quote]

Because Lord knows that everyone here needs your advice on a cycle…

2-4 weeks doesn’t sound optimal. It takes a little bit of time for the prop to “kick in” and when you get off it takes a little bit of time to clear. If you could swap Test Suspension for the Prop you’d be much better off. That would allow you to do a 2 on 2 off sort of cycle - the kind I’m assuming you’re looking for.

Ah I see Schmazz. Well, too late for that as I already ordered instead 40ml of NPP/100ml and 40ml of Test Prop/100ml. How would you recommend I go on this considering I’m looking for mostly gains in strength and conditioning without too much mass gain and definitely low on sides. Thanks for your advice man.

Sorry W.H.B., I don’t have time to work out your riddle. There is plenty of “unconditional” advice floating around out there, if you know who’s information to trust. I’m not a total newb, just going in a different direction than when I juiced 10 years ago.

Ah I see Schmazz. Well, too late for that as I already ordered instead 40ml of NPP/100ml and 40ml of Test Prop/100ml. How would you recommend I go on this considering I’m looking for mostly gains in strength and conditioning without too much mass gain and definitely low on sides. Thanks for your advice man.

and you chose test and deca…

maybe you could have looked into it a little longer… great mass stack whether its prop andPP or not.

Why 4 weeks? is this due to HPTA shutdown? i hope not, as 4 weeks is too long - you’ll be shut down.

you could do…

WK1-8 500mg - 125mgEOD
Wk1-7 300mg - 75mgEOD


WK1-9 440mg - 110mgEOD
WK1-8 300mg - 75mgEOD


WK1+2 650MG - 150MG EOD
WK1+2 400MG - 100MG EOD
WK3+4 150mg Clomid ED
WK5+6 650MG - 150MG EOD
WK5+6 400MG - 100MG EOD
WK7+8 150mg Clomid ED
WK9+10 650MG - 150MG EOD
WK9+10 400MG - 100MG EOD
WK11+12 150mg Clomid ED
WK13+14 100mg Clomid ED
WK15 50mg Clomid ED
WK16 50mg Clomid ED

i personally would go with option 1.

I not 100% on the last one, i would wait for comments from saps or bushidobadboy first IMO.


[quote] JJ wrote:
and you chose test and deca…

maybe you could have looked into it a little longer… great mass stack whether its prop andPP or not.

Why 4 weeks? is this due to HPTA shutdown? i hope not, as 4 weeks is too long - you’ll be shut down.

you could do…

WK1-8 500mg - 125mgEOD
Wk1-7 300mg - 75mgEOD


WK1-9 440mg - 110mgEOD
WK1-8 300mg - 75mgEOD


WK1+2 650MG - 150MG EOD
WK1+2 400MG - 100MG EOD
WK3+4 150mg Clomid ED
WK5+6 650MG - 150MG EOD
WK5+6 400MG - 100MG EOD
WK7+8 150mg Clomid ED
WK9+10 650MG - 150MG EOD
WK9+10 400MG - 100MG EOD
WK11+12 150mg Clomid ED
WK13+14 100mg Clomid ED
WK15 50mg Clomid ED
WK16 50mg Clomid ED

i personally would go with option 1.

I not 100% on the last one, i would wait for comments from saps or bushidobadboy first IMO.


JJ, I didn’t choose deca, I purposely chose the short acting nandrolone to use with the short acting test. I guess hpta suppression is inevitable with this cycle, but that’s why I chose the short esters. My thoughts were that nandrolone would help with some nagging joint issues and the test/npp together would certainly increase strength and recovery as I kickbox as well as powerlift 3 days per week. Would you recommend clomid over nolvadex? Does clomid need to be that high during initial pct? Thanks for your input JJ.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
If I had test prop and nandrolone pp, then my cycle length would be 6 weeks.

I would follow this with a 4 week stasis and 2 weeks (or more, depending on how I felt) of SERM application (or perhaps a 4 week test taper).

Unfortunately, if someone asked me what compounds to use for the goals you have described, test and nandrolone would not be top of my list.

However, you can make them work in the way you want by consuming a low carb, high protein, maintainence calorie diet.

This way you will harden up, by losing bodyfat, both subQ and intramuscular as well as hypertrophying the muscles to a moderate degree.

Your weight should remain fairly constant, but your work output and strength will increase, though not by the same degree as if you ate a shedload of food, obviously.


Bushy, I guess I can’t disagree with you there. What compounds WOULD you have chosen? I figure if I’m powerlifting and kickboxing(real kickboxing) on alternating days I figure I can and should eat a shedfull as I’ll be able to recover from that intense cardio and still gain strength. What if I added anavar? How much of a difference would that make? Also, would you elaborate on “stasis” and your idea for pct? Thank you.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
For strength? Masteron.

Add a small amount of test and you are good. Alternatively (if you are loaded and connected, lol), primobolan with masteron is good.

Basically, the more test you run, the bigger you will be.

The stasis taper is basically using a period of about 6 weeks, post main cycle, during which you run the kind of amounts of test (100mg/wk) that would be output by healthy testes. This allows your body to normalise levels of cortisol receptors, etc

You then use another 6 weeks to taper down from the 100 mg to zero. During this time, your natural output should increase to compensate.


interesting. I’ve heard varying ideas on test tapering as well as mixed opinions on masteron being used for anything other than hardening/cutting agent. So, would this cycle make sense?

wks 1-8 test prop 100mg eod
wks 1-8 npp 100mg eod
wks 1-8 mast 100mg eod
wks 9-15 test prop 25mg eod

You need a 6 week taper for a 6 week cycle? Of short ester AAS?

If the OP was to dump the NPP, and go with test/mast for 2 weeks blasts - would PCT even be required?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
You need a 6 week taper for a 6 week cycle? Of short ester AAS?

If the OP was to dump the NPP, and go with test/mast for 2 weeks blasts - would PCT even be required?


Good question rainjack. I’m on the fence whether or not I should go with these short cycle blasts or a medium cycle of 6-10 weeks. npp/test prop is what I have, but I could wait to add another option(mast or var) to the mix. the short cycle makes pct even more confusing in my mind as I’m not sure just how suppressed my hpta would be.

I’m curious about the 6 week with the taper as well. Is it because of the compounds he has on hand? Or because of his goals?

I ask because quite often in the past, it’s been recommended that people try a 2 week on, 2 week off, rolling blast with increasing recovery weeks.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
The only reason I suggested a total of 8 weeks for a stasis taper, is because I read the words “Performance Athlete” in the original post.

This suggestes to be that the OP will need to train continuously, with little or no breaks and would therefore benefit from the ultra-smooth transition afforded by the stasis taper. He’s also using a 19Nor, which warrants a more cautious approach to recovery, IMO.

The more I think about SERMs, the less effective they seem to be. At least in some people.

THe OP won’t be gaining too much mass, so he doesn’t need to worry about losing that. However he’s doing the cycle for performance, and the lack of performance in a typical post cycle crash is horrible.

RJ: Yeah if the OP went with test prop + mast prop then 2 week blasts might be valid. But then again, I see masterons effects as more of a ‘slow and steady’ compound and as such possibly unsuitable for 2 weekers.

OP: It would be either a 2 week cycle, OR a 6 week (not 8) cycle with stasis taper.

It depends on many things, not least of which are your personal ‘rebound’ abilities, post cycle. You won’t know until you try, in other words.

Taking all things into consideration, if I were in your position, I would be inclined to try the 2 weeks on, 3-5 weeks off, approach.


My reasoning for recommending the masteron was for the SHBG assistance, and the mild AE effects. I think masteron is more of a mirror muscle steroid aside from the assistance it gives testosterone.

2 weeks blasts of test/mast would be the most worry free of the short cycles - IMO.

jj128 Mast and athletic performance is a funny thing. I concur with RJ that Mast is great for aesthetic appearance for sure but depending on what your sport is and what your dose/toleration of Mast is, Mast could almost impede your performance if your body was too tight, so to speak

[quote]saps wrote:
jj128 Mast and athletic performance is a funny thing. I concur with RJ that Mast is great for aesthetic appearance for sure but depending on what your sport is and what your dose/toleration of Mast is, Mast could almost impede your performance if your body was too tight, so to speak[/quote]

I think the dosag of Masteron would have to be pretty high to get to the point that it impedes performance.

If kept under 300mg/week, I think mast would throw no bad sides into one’s training/performance.

Agreed at under 300mg EW; but lets also admit that jj128 is taking 100mg EOD aka 350mg EW. Even so 350mg EW for many is a tolerable dose. The situation jj128 and so many countless others are in is the classic struggle between how high a dose is needed for effectiveness and how low a dose is needed for limited sides. For instance 350mg EW is a tolerable dose of Tren for many people as well; just not all. Some guys cannot handle 50mg ED others can take 100mg ED no problems; there is variance in terms of toleration with anything.

Further, as with Tren some guys are crippled aerobicly, others barely at all. So we are pretty much left to the subjective experience of each user in terms of what represents the best compromise between “no bad sides” and an effective dose based on why one uses any product. Again, for most, almost all, 250mg EW of Mast is a no bad sides dose, but I would counter that perhaps it is less than an ideal or even measurably effective dose.