After years of part time community college and full time work. I decided I want to transfer to a university out of state. I’ll be 25 next august do you think I would feel to old living on campus. I already feel old at my JC.
Hate to be the first one to tell you this, but you are going to feel VERY old! One of my best friends, who’s 25, lives off campus and feels old! There is a bar there where you HAVE to be 21 to get in, and he still feels like he’s dealing with little girls!! You are going to be living with 17-19 year olds! So make sure that you check id’s before hooking up! LOL! oh, but i think you made a good decision by going away to finish up though. i had an awesome time going away to school and every one of my friends who stayed home HATED school! Good luck, and don’t forget that you need to go to class at least every other time! LOL! = kburnin’ =
I went back to school when I was 27 and had a great time living on campus. Of course, I was in grad student housing, despite being an undergrad. Check with the housing people and see if they can set something like that up for you. I think that living in a dorm at your age would be a living hell. On the other hand, if it were a coed dorm, there might be advantages…
Why do you even give a fuck?
last year there was a 23 year old guy from Israel in my freshman dorm. He had a great time and still lives on campus.
Nate Dogg has it right. Do what you want and what works for you, and don’t worry about what others think.
I back to campus when I was 22, and lived in one of the grad dorms at Purdue. Any student 21 years and over could get in to them. Find out if you can get in to them and where they are on campus; it was the best of both worlds for me.
Before ya do anything dude- listen up. Im in the same situation as you-I will be 23 by next school year, I wanna move away but I too don’t wanna live with bunch of 18 year olds. Get an off campus apartment…really. there even cheaper-in dorms, they don’t cut you much of a deal at all- most dorms are 5000 bucks for a 8 month stay, thats like over 600 bucks a month…for that much money, you should get your own pad, and you wont have to worry about the teenies…it depends on your financial situation-if your on scholorship, then thats different…but if your just using loans/your own money, go for the apartment-people use student loans on apartments all the time.
Where are you going to school that is costs 600 bucks a month to stay in the shitty dorms?
When I was 22 I lived on campus and there were plenty of other people older than me. Sure I felt old but I’d would have felt old in off campus housing too. Look into the on-campus housing. If they’ll put you in with non-freshman (upper classmen or grad. students), then go for it. Try it for a year or even just a semester. Unger, 5,000 a yr. is cheap for some areas. My brother paid 8,000/yr 4 years ago in Boston. That’s 4 years ago and in one of the cheaper schools in the city.
Another Purdue T-Bro? Welcome my friend. You still at Purdue?
I graduated in December of '93. Just had fond memories of old Purdue. Met my wife when we were both students, now we’re in Indianapolis. The grad dorms at Purdue had no teenies, full time quiet hours, and were pretty liberal on overnight guests. And they’re right on the south end of campus, so I could walk to my classes and not have to scramble for weekday parking. So if one is going away for the first time and is old enough to legally drink, I think it’s worth it to check out the grad housing. And this was a rebuilding year for football and basketball, so watch out you “whose-ears” at that other Indiana university.
It depends on what you like. If you’re looking to party and get drunk, on campus is where to be. On the other hand, you might feel old if you aren’t interested in that scene. In that case, go with an off-campus apartment. I’m an RA (and almost 22) and I feel incredibly old around my residents. But then, I felt old when I was a freshman. It’s all in your perspective.
do not live on campus… they kids will piss you off. trust me. as a grad i had to live in an undergrad dorm for one semester and man oh man did i get to beating on people.
you will live a longer and healthier life if you stay away from the undegrad dorms, but if they have ample graduate rooms on campus then go for it.
I graduated in May, 2001. I’m originally from Shelbyville, but will be moving to Indy’s West side in the coming months as I took a position with Allison Transmission as a Financial Analyst. Good to see Purdue representing on the T-Forum.
Im 19 and dont think that 25 is to old. 25 is still young, i dont know why people think that 25 is old. maybe if you only live to be 40 it is. i say live on campus. at 25 you can do anything mentally and physically, fuck this old crap.
Yeah, you will probably feel very old living on campus unless you get into a grad res or something like that. I did the same thing when I moved to a new city for grad school. I didn’t know the city or anyone that lived there, so I decided to live on campus. Big mistake! The complex I was in was coed and full of first year students. I had a private room, but it really sucked because I didn’t have anything in common with these people. I lasted about two months and then moved out into my own apartment not too far from campus. That made all the difference in the world. Plus, because I could now cook for myself, I ate a lot better than in the residence.
Screel, you’re practically in my neighborhood. We used to live near Speedway, now we’re in the north west corner.