[quote]eclypse wrote:
(and for the trolls) If you want the science instead of the common sense behind it, the body actually releases cortisol amongst other shit under stressful times. Or so says health magazines. I do know that when Im stressed, it effects my workouts. Physiological or psychological, i dont know, but its there.
If you’re looking to boost your immune system, I’d imagine you’d take a vitamin C supp. I dont know how much vit C you’re getting with the multi, but chances are you could be getting more.
Also, you could try airborne. You could try taking one each day, or every other day, third, etc…
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
If you’re looking to boost your immune system, I’d imagine you’d take a vitamin C supp. I dont know how much vit C you’re getting with the multi, but chances are you could be getting more.
Also, you could try airborne. You could try taking one each day, or every other day, third, etc…[/quote]
not saying thats a bad idea, but google for “airborne overdose” just take it in moderation, NOT what the “recommended dosage” is. my fiancee called me with a cold, saying she was on it, so i googled it…i know Zicam had some shitty side effects so i double check all cold remedies now. its a LOT for your liver to process in their dosages.
Not sure if you would call what I throw down supplements, since most of it is in the for of Metabolic Drive, Whey and Surge, but I also take ZMA, Flameout, Creatine, BCAA’s, Power Drive occasionally…and I probably spend about $300 every 2-3 months.
But i’m not taking the T boosters, Spike or HOT-ROX, although I just picked up a case of Spike Shooters (merry new year to me) and they are DELICIOUS and keep you going without hitting that overstimulation where you’re shaking…
i have found that echinacia is excellent for the immune system. i get seasonal allergies and recently discovered this god send. when i feel an infection coming on, i start taking it three times a day and i often avoid symptons totally. if i get sick suddenly i take it and it clears up what ever is bothering me much faster than normal and almost as fast as anti-biotics.
some times i stack it with vitamin C and aloe vera juice. i would swear by the mix to anyone.
Too f*in’ much. I was spending around $100-$150 per month, in my estimation. I dropped all my extra supplements and decided to just focus on the basics:
Protein blend for before bed (Usually Metabolic Drive or Probolic)
Cytogainer (used with chocolate milk PWO during weight gaining phases)
Fish Oils
That’s all I’ve been taking and I am still making good gains. I decided to focus more on eating healthier and getting more fruits and veggies in my diet.
[quote]eclypse wrote:
rrjc5488 wrote:
If you’re looking to boost your immune system, I’d imagine you’d take a vitamin C supp. I dont know how much vit C you’re getting with the multi, but chances are you could be getting more.
Also, you could try airborne. You could try taking one each day, or every other day, third, etc…
not saying thats a bad idea, but google for “airborne overdose” just take it in moderation, NOT what the “recommended dosage” is. my fiancee called me with a cold, saying she was on it, so i googled it…i know Zicam had some shitty side effects so i double check all cold remedies now. its a LOT for your liver to process in their dosages.[/quote]
Yeah, the reccommended dosage is “every 3 hours” I beleive while you feel a cold coming on. If I am, or feel like I’m getting sick, I’ll take it once in the morning, and once in the afternoon.
Being stuck in a dorm room, with kids circulating germs like its their job, even if I’m feeling okay, I’ll take a dose every third day or so just to be safe. Being sick sucks.
I think if the OP took just one dose per day, or to be even more conservative, every other day, I think he’ll be fine.
Yeah I’m looking at a maintenance dose, but it from my own research, observations and talking to doctors, it seems like you should take 2-3x the maintenance dose to deal with an acute attack of whatever the supp is supposed to wared off.
And FYI:
Too much Vitamin C can destroy your cell walls in the long run. Not a good idea to regularly ‘OD’ on the stuff.
No more than 50 bucks a month, around $1.50 a day on the high end or 20 bucks a month on the low end. Fish oil, protein powder, multi, vitamin c and e, BCAA, ZMA, and some occasional HMB. Oh some Spike too.
I take a lot usually (though taking a bit of a break over winter break), includes:
Quick-Absorbing Protein (for PWO)
Slow-Absorbing Protein (for general)
Protein Bars
Alpha Male
Garlic Pills
Fish Oils
Dymetadrine Extreme (an L-Tyrosine source pre-WO)
Just bought Carbolin 19
(used to take fat-burners but stopped)
That’s probably a lot. I spend maybe $100 a month or every two months of my own money and 200-400 every two months on my college dining plan.
My goals are just getting lots of muscle (with little fat).
I should probably cut that down, and probably won’t be able to afford it once I’m out of college, but I have no idea what I could cut out. Maybe Glutamine.
If you eat right and take fish oil, REZ-V, ZMA and creatine you would do well! The above supps are all for health. You don’t have to take 3 pills a day of REZ-V to get the many benefits you could take even one a week and get the benefits of a diet high in reservatol. Eating well is first and foremost!
If you eat enough you will grow. You can get the effects of protein powder/BCAA’s by eating the right foods several times a day and it is cheaper. At night have cottage cheese and a tbl spoon of olive oil and it will be a great pre-sleep meal.
My average Budget…I dont even want to know. I regularly buy whey protein isolate (fast release), Cassein based protein powder(slow release), creatine, No2 type product, Vit c 500gram, Multi-vit/mineral, ZMA, Fish oil tabs, Meal replacement shakes, BCAA, Tribulus (on and off) and generally lots of high protein foods.
I am now seriously looking at Phosphatidylserine, Acetyl-l-carnitine and powder form BCAA as well as carnosine (or similair). Needless to say I spend a fair share but so be it.
I don’t drink, smoke or use any mind altering substances. I don’t waste money on brand name “tosser” clothes, useless yuppie gadgets like mobiles with every feature you can think of and dvd/cd’s so why not spend on something I enjoy and health related.
Go nuts. If you regret it, stop or just buy the basics.
[quote]scholtz wrote:
I don’t drink, smoke or use any mind altering substances. I don’t waste money on brand name “tosser” clothes, useless yuppie gadgets like mobiles with every feature you can think of and dvd/cd’s so why not spend on something I enjoy and health related.
Go nuts. If you regret it, stop or just buy the basics.