be prepared.
Good God! That SOUND!!
Unreal, I am completely speechless.
what the hell were you searching for to find that!!!thanks ill have nightmarees now.
I think I’m going blind now
is anyone else about to throw up?
Thanks – that made me sick to watch… It is hard to believe that anyone would let themselves be taped looking like that …
Why is everyone getting upset? Isn’t that what’s normal now? You all are just crazy. There you are, exercising and NOT eating buckets of Oreos and fried Snickers bars…you’re just jealous that you aren’t enjoying life like she is. You clearly hate yourself while she is happy being who she is! Why is there no “fat appreciation” on this board, huh?!! People should be proud of their fatness…and hospitals need bigger beds to accomodate in excess of 1,000lbs, you know, for the pleasantly plump who just happen to enjoy life more than you! You people are just insane!
she is hot enough for six or seven women.
I love those videos!
Fricking hilarious!
I’m going to go run now. I must do my part to bring the world back into balance.
[quote]Carbon-12 wrote:
I’m going to go run now. I must do my part to bring the world back into balance. [/quote]
To do that we would All need to run to the opposite side!
That was posted already.
I think of all the bad things written about it, someone shed some light on it by writing “good for them… at least they can get their kink on.”
[quote]Carbon-12 wrote:
I’m going to go run now. I must do my part to bring the world back into balance. [/quote]
I think a shooting rampage at Whataburger would be easier, faster, and more permanent.
the best part about the video is how out of breath she gets from just a couple “slaps,” but at least she is getting some wholesome physical activity.
good god, make this thread stop
welcome to america