I’m on daily dosing because the previous dosing protocols didn’t have me feeling optimal. Like I said in an earlier post I tried every less frequent injection protocol and lower dose until I got to daily and that’s what I feel best at. My SHBG is not low or high at 39.9
Sorry forgot u mentioned your shbg already. So daily is just what feels best to you.
I use Easy Touch 29 gauge 1/2" insulin syringes, I’m 32% body fat and I inject IM in the shoulders and quads rotating injection sites. As for this daily being BS, I would listen to personal experiences rather than listen to someone who has probably never even tried it or has no reason to do so.
There have been many men who have tried daily injections, even men with midrange and high SHBG who have found it optimal for them. This is what TRT is all about, trial and error because at the end of the day only you can truly know what works for you.
I can tell you what works for me and maybe it will work for you as well, maybe not but if you don’t try you’ll never know. What I do know is what you are doing isn’t working and now it’s time to try something else.
@akuma4u All this with too high test and too high e2 is bulshit. The man needs these numbers to feel well and controlling e2 is bulshit. People need to change their thinking and forget the crap about “perfect numbers”
Is there a video good video about doing IM shallow injections with insuline syringes?
It turned out nobody here knows how to do that, neither the dealer, nor the 3 nurses I talked to about but they say this could be quite dangerous due to the possibility of easily breaking the small needle in the muscle If I get tense
I have bent the needle before on purpose to test how many times it takes to break off the needle, you would be surprised how many times it takes to break the needle in two pieces. For someone who is tense when injecting, it would be a good idea to use a 27 gauge and loads pretty fast and similar to a 25 gauge.
Those with nerves of steel, the 29 gauge is fine.
On daily dosing my FT was increasing every 24 hours and was kept from declining between injections and I never experienced the highs and lows on a daily protocol because my FT levels continued to rise and no decline until levels were stable.
On EOD dosing, levels were swing all the time.
I’m about to start soon haven’t yet, but as I tested with testosterone base I absorb IM better than sub-q.
However Im not sure is this only a matter of timing and maybe when I start the real TRT injecting everyday sub-q or IM will not matter. Im still wondering which one to choose.
I want the comfort and easiness of the sub-q injections, but also not to risk feeling not optimal enough due to bad injections choice.
Most people proclaim IM to be better, IM will always work well when dosing is appropriate and SQ works better less of the time.
IM has the better odds, you want to feel good soon I take it. Men suffering low testosterone need a win earlier on in the process because the longer it drags on, the chances are you will quit and go for a restart.
The impatience type usually end up going this route.
Yo dex, with your e2 being more than double outside normal limits i was wondering…does that feel good to you. With those most recent labs u posted, do u feel good where youre at?
@systemlord So maybe first to optimize myself on IM and after feeling optimized to try switching to sub-q?
The thing here is to find somebody to teach me in person this shallow IM
Exactly, when you find a protocol that works well, then you can start experimenting with SQ and even HCG if you want. Once you get an idea how you feel on IM, you’ll know pretty quickly if SQ isn’t for you.
SQ was too intense for me, plus it felt like all estrogen and no testosterone. I was in a mental stupor for hours staring at nothing, brain fog like you could never imagine.
Hm thats disturbing, Im a bit afraid of this daily IM especially long term.
Using 27-29 gauge insulin syringes, you won’t feel a thing. You will find some areas are more sensitive than others, but what doesn’t kill you make you stronger.
I find on the quads, dead center is painless, but high or lower up the leg stings a little more. The shoulders are easy and could inject anywhere.
I don’t like the feeling of SQ, the feeling of injecting SQ is strange.
whats your actual stats -
height ?
weight ?
I know you have other issues you’ve mentioned but you consistently say 32% bf and you’ve been on for a while . Why are you not decreasing this bf% ? Hands down you’d feel better on trt and just life in general. This isn’t intended to be rude at all .
Do you have any idea why some people cannot handle sub q well?
I’ve heard one of the most competent TRT doctors says everybody can inject sub q if he injects often enough and enough of a dose, but people like you report other story. Maybe sub-q requires more of a dosage? Maybe this depends on body fat percentage, how is yours?
I really like stubbing myself in the belly, it’s like brushing my teeth. Also the risk of infections with sub-q is much less, because the fat is protective, at least this is what I learned from a diabetic friend who just stubs himself with insulin without even processing with ethyl alcohol.
Delt with a 29g isn’t any different IMO pain wise. I’ve done both, I don’t think you’ll mind it after you do it a few times.
I did 3x a week in the delt for a while. Felt better on that than subQ.
As far as the needles breaking… try breaking one some time. I’ve bent a few 29g needles putting the caps back on and they don’t break. The metal isn’t nearly as brittle as I expected. They bend but stay in 1 piece. I doubt your muscle can bend the needle far enough to hurt anything
I feel like this is a bit misleading. You’re basically saying your E2 is high and you feel great. However, your SHBG is 40, which binds up the E2.
Guys with lower shbg have more of that E2 floating around freely.
SHBG def needs to be in the mix in considering protocols.
Controlling e2 isnt bullshit. You gotta control it and not let it control you or else you could end up with breasts.
It’s difficult to lose body fat when you’re iron, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin D deficient. I had these deficiencies early on which caused high blood pressure, high heart rates and I was exhausted all the time.