How Common is Synthol Use these Days?

My first observation of synthol was youtube for greg valentino maybe 2005ish and it absolutely freaked me out. Especially after reading the bit where his arms leaked.

Recently ive seena few yt videos mocking them, the one from russia, brazil, africa, and noticed there is a new face in all these videos all the time

I saw that the older guy from brazil has died (50s)

Has synthol injection become more popular/mainstream? Given the “lets get any attention at any cost” mindset of social media

Here in australia ive never seen anyone with it nor heard of it

It’s probably still used in pro BBers, but more intelligently (subjective term here). If you’ve got noodle arms and pump 800cc Synthol into them, yeah it’s gonna look dumb. If you’ve got 20"+ arms, you probably wont notice a little Synthol (or alternative) injected to pump the muscle up a bit more.

^I doubt many pro guys would admit to that.


Synthol, stuff thats similar to it, and different types of implants are super mainstream.
First of all, almost 90% of womens asses that get any following are fake - implants or oil. 100% of “wellness” class is pure surgery.
For men, also. Shoulders, arms, calves. Used in a smart way, one can add inches to the muscle without ever making it obvious.
The smartest thing synthol users did was make us believe that synthol looks like those few freak cases everyone talks about.
Bostin Loyd was a super advocate of synthol, he even had his own line, and sent it with proper instructions of how much, where and when to do it.
When you look at his best pics, before he got sick, he looks amazing and nothing in his body says synthol in the way we usually think.
Miloš Šarčev also admited to synthol use and his reasons why he tried it. You would never tell.

Id say that 30% of average pro-bodybuilder size is synthol, because when you look at how people gain muscle naturally, such huge delts and arms dont exist.
We do see huge legs on some very strong natural guys, but what we dont see is those monstrous arms. Which tells me there are a few inches of synthol in those.
Now when you look at some strongmen who cut down on some fat, even tho much bigger and stronger, they dont have those traits. Why? Because they dont use synthol because adding inches to the muscle does nothing for a strongman but we do know they all are on tons of gear. We all know the main differences between bodybuilders and powerlifters/strongmen. Since they all are on gear and all are genetic elite, id say that besides some genetic elements and bone structure, if we talk about the muscle itself, difference is in the SEO(site enhancement oil).

p.s - Greg Valentino never admited synthol use. He said it was just vials of test and EQ in his arms. He said he pinned whole vials of test and EQ… not mgs, not mls… just whole bottles.

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I agree with this. Most synthol use likely goes unnoticed. It is just the over the top dudes that are obvious that give it a bad name.

Don’t they have something similar that last like a decade or two now?

I think the idea is that you use synthol to figure out what you are doing, then to the more permanent stuff once you have it figured out?

I think one was called PMMA or smth like that. I was interested in this cuz i hate my small arms but i got scared of reduced functionality because i am still in the fight game, and last thing i need is a bicep tear. I know that synthol is the oldest of em all and rarely used anymore. Everyone says “synthol” when they talk abt site enhancement but its actually a lot of different things none if which is the real synthol anymore.

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Most common now is called Syntherol by Synthetek. Its used by high level athletes to balance asymmetry. When used in copious amounts it can get ugly.

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