Thanks for the replies.
What are your cholesterol levels?
All labs I have for last 2 years are at end.
What heart/pulse/pressure issues?
high blood pressure - controlled well with script and weight loss/exercise
Is Xanax needed to deal with some of this. I always encourage guys to get off of Xanax if possible. I’ve been seeing shrink for anxiety/depression issues (pre-date, but DEFINITELY aggravated by high estradiol levels). Use Xanax judiciously - cannot tolerate SSRIs and are ineffective anyway.
Please post more of your labs. What you have provided is too narrow.
All I have below
Arimidex/anastrozole needs to be dosed every other day [divided doses].
Will do
Your lab work should be done half way between injections, always. If you change lab timing, you do not know if differences are from protocol, response or timing.
will do
Do not understand: hTSH Reflex FT4 1.13 uIU/mL 0.34-4.50
Please post all thyroid related labs.
Sorry - all labs at bottom
Read the thyroid basics sticky.
working though it
How do you feel?
Mostly good. Anxiety and depression issues much worse when estradial is elevated. But I’m so much better than before testosterone therapy. Had sudden onset 2 years ago of severe confusion, inability to concentrate or perform simple tasks, and other issues. Tests doc did found no cause for them and I was finally resigned that it was either stress or early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. A few months months later, was started on TRT and did a complete 180.
Do you sleep well?
sometimes no - often up to late and wake up early
have used cpap for over 15 years
Feel cold easily?
Oh yeah
Dry skin, before? yes now?
yes - hands crack and bleed in winter if I forget lotion
- energy – seems level
- libido – increase last 6 months
- socialization/avoidance – same - never been a real social animal
- temper/tolerance – good usually - but have my moments when frustrated
- noise sensitivity -= not really. Hearing not the best. sudden noises make me jump
Total T [TT] is SHBG bound T [SHBG+T}, albumin bound T and FT.
TT can be elevated if the liver is not clearing SHBG+T
SHBT+T is not bio-available T, just junk
Liver problems can increase TT
Liver problems can increase E2
Elevated E2 increases SHBG production in the liver, increasing TT and SHBG+T
High TT can be indicating liver clearance problems, not so much a dose driven issue
High E2 can be indicating liver clearance problems, not so much a dose driven issue
The TT and FT ranges are age adjusted. You should be looking at youthful levels.
I don’t understand that last part
I am not concerned with the TT and FT levels, I am very concerned with your high E2.
High E2 is having many negative mental/libido effects as well as arteries and prostate.
E2 is bad for your lining of your arteries - endothelial cells, one cell thick, aka endothelium
- Endothelium protected by DHEA, FT, fish oil, B vits, CoQ10
Magnesium for foot cramps?
No, I read that it helped decrease estrogen
Do you use antacids that limit ability to absorb minerals and B12?
You can get [google] “liquid anastrozole as a research chemical” which will allow fine dose titration.
Use natural source vit-E
I assume that means that found in foods?
Amino acids: Are you trying to promote GH release? IGF-1?
No, I’m a newbie to bodybuilding and may have overdone it
Testosterone,Free and Total 7/26/2011 7:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone, Serum 439 ng/dL 193-740
  Free Testosterone(Direct) 7 pg/mL 7.2-24.0
TESTOSTERONE TOTAL (84403) 11/1/2011 14:55
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone 515 ng/dL 168-758
CBC DIFF/PLT, Automated Differential (85025) 5/8/2012 10:20
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  WBC 6.9 3/uL 3.8-10.8
  RBC 4.59 6/uL 4.20-6.10
  HGB 15.7 g/dL 13.2-18.0
  HCT 44.6 % 38.5-52.0
  MCV 97.1 fL 80.0-94.0
  MCH 34.1 pg 28.5-32.5
  MCHC 35.1 g/dL 32.0-36.0
  RDW 12.2 % 11.5-15.5
  PLT 250 3/uL 130.0-400.0
  NE% 65.6 %
  LY% 24.9 %
  MO% 8.8 %
  EO% 0.5 %
  BA% 0.2 %
  NE# 4.6 3/uL 1.5-7.8
  LY# 1.7 3/uL 0.9-3.9
  MO# 0.6 3/uL 0.2-1.0
  EO# 0 3/uL 0.0-0.5
  BA# 0 3/uL 0.0-0.2
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Sodium 137 mmol/L 135.0-144.0
  Potassium 4.2 mmol/L 3.5-5.0
  Chloride 102 mmol/L 101.0-111.0
  CO2 28 mmol/L 22.0-32.0
  Anion Gap 7 mmol/L 3.0-11.0
  Glucose 105 mg/dL 65-99
  Calcium 9.4 mg/dL 8.6-10.3
  BUN 7 mg/dL 8.0-26.0
  Creatinine 0.75 mg/dL 0.60-1.30
  EGFR 114.9 >60.0
  Total Protein 7.6 g/dL 6.1-8.6
  Albumin 4.3 g/dL 3.5-5.0
  Globulin 3.3 g/dL 1.7-4.2
  A/G Ratio 1.3 calc 1.0-2.5
  T. Bilirubin 0.74 mg/dL 0.20-2.00
  AST 38 IU/L 12.0-41.0
  ALT 25 IU/L 8.0-63.0
  Alk Phos 62 IU/L 32.0-126.0
AMYLASE 5/8/2012 10:20
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Amylase 7 65 U/L 28-100
LIPASE 5/8/2012 10:20
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Lipase 24 U/L 22.0-51.0
PSA (PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN) (84153) 5/8/2012 10:20
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  PSA-Hybritech 0.135 ng/mL 0.008-4.000
   Note: PSA assay performed using Beckman-Coulter Hybritech chemiluminescence method.
Values from different assay methods cannot be used interchangeably.
PSA values, regardless of value, should not be interpreted as absolute evidence
of the presence or absence of disease.
CBC DIFF/PLT, Automated Differential (85025) 8/23/2012 10:35
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  WBC 6.1 3/uL 3.8-10.8
  RBC 4.53 6/uL 4.20-6.10
  HGB 15.6 g/dL 13.2-18.0
  HCT 44.7 % 38.5-52.0
  MCV 98.6 fL 80.0-94.0
  MCH 34.4 pg 28.5-32.5
  MCHC 34.9 g/dL 32.0-36.0
  RDW 12.1 % 11.5-15.5
  PLT 238 3/uL 130.0-400.0
  NE% 71.4 %
  LY% 20.7 %
  MO% 7.5 %
  EO% 0.3 %
  BA% 0.1 %
  NE# 4.3 3/uL 1.5-7.8
  LY# 1.3 3/uL 0.9-3.9
  MO# 0.5 3/uL 0.2-1.0
  EO# 0 3/uL 0.0-0.5
  BA# 0 3/uL 0.0-0.2
METABOLIC PANEL, COMPREHENSIVE (80053) 8/23/2012 10:35
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Sodium 134 mmol/L 135.0-144.0
  Potassium 4.1 mmol/L 3.5-5.0
  Chloride 101 mmol/L 101.0-111.0
  CO2 25 mmol/L 22.0-32.0
  Anion Gap 8 mmol/L 3.0-11.0
  Glucose 100 mg/dL 65-99
  Calcium 9.3 mg/dL 8.6-10.3
  BUN 5 mg/dL 8.0-26.0
  Creatinine 0.87 mg/dL 0.60-1.30
  EGFR 96.5 >60.0
  Total Protein 7.7 g/dL 6.1-8.6
  Albumin 4.3 g/dL 3.5-5.0
  Globulin 3.4 g/dL 1.7-4.2
  A/G Ratio 1.3 calc 1.0-2.5
  T. Bilirubin 0.97 mg/dL 0.20-2.00
  AST 32 IU/L 12.0-41.0
  ALT 24 IU/L 8.0-63.0
  Alk Phos 58 IU/L 32.0-126.0
TSH W/REFL FT4 (84443) 8/23/2012 10:35
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  hTSH Reflex FT4 1.34 uIU/mL 0.34-4.50
TESTOSTERONE 8/23/2012 10:35
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone 988 ng/dL 168-758
PROLACTIN 3/21/2013 8:40
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Prolactin 4.99 ng/mL 2.64-13.13
hTSH/ Reflex FT4 3/21/2013 8:40
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  hTSH Reflex FT4 1.43 uIU/mL 0.34-4.50
ESTRADIOL 3/21/2013 8:40
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Estradiol 25 pg/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s):
Males                                    <20 - 47 pg/ml
Non-Preganant Females:
Mid follicular phase                  27 - 122 pg/mL
Mid Luteal phase                      49 - 291 pg/mL
Peri-ovulatory phase              95 - 433 pg/mL
Postmenopausal Females:Â Â Â Â <20 - 40 pg/ml
FSH (Male) 3/21/2013 8:40
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  FSH 14.67 mIU/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s)
Male                                1.27 - 19.26 mIU/mL
Mid-Follicular Phase          3.85 - 8.78 mIU/mL
Mid-Cycle Peak                4.54 - 22.51 mIU/mL
Mid-Luteal Phase              1.79 - 5.12 mIU/mL
Postmenopausal            16.74 - 113.59 mIU/mL
LH 3/21/2013 8:40
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  LH 4.58 mIU/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s):
Male:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1.24 - 8.62 mIU/mLÂ Â (<18 years)
Mid-Follicular Phase            2.12 - 10.89 mIU/mL
Mid-Cycle Peak                19.18 -  103.03 mIU/mL
Mid-Luteal Phase                1.20 - 12.86 mIU/mL
Postmenopausal              10.87 - 58.64 mIU/mL
TESTOSTERONE 3/21/2013 8:40
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone 182 ng/dL 168-758
PSA (PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN) (84153) 3/21/2013 8:40
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  PSA-Hybritech 0.09 ng/mL 0.008-4.000
   Note: PSA assay performed using Beckman-Coulter Hybritech chemiluminescence method.
Values from different assay methods cannot be used interchangeably.
PSA values, regardless of value, should not be interpreted as absolute evidence
of the presence or absence of disease.
Testosterone,Free and Total 7/19/2013 9:05
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone, Serum >1500 ng/dL 348-1197
  Free Testosterone(Direct) 46.2 pg/mL 7.2-24.0
LIPID PANEL (80061) 7/19/2013 9:05
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Triglycerides 57 mg/dL <150.0
  Cholesterol 192 mg/dL 125.0-200.0
  Chol/HDL Ratio 4.4 calc <5.0
  HDL Direct 43.3 mg/dL >40.0
LDL Cholesterol 7/19/2013 9:05
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  LDL Cholesterol 137.3 mg/dL <130.0
CBC/PLT AUTO DIFF, Reflex Anemia Panel (85025) 7/19/2013 9:05
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  WBC 6 3/uL 3.8-10.8
  RBC 4.95 6/uL 4.20-6.10
  HGB 16.3 g/dL 13.2-18.0
  HCT 48.3 % 38.5-52.0
  MCV 97.5 fL 80.0-94.0
  MCH 32.8 pg 28.5-32.5
  MCHC 33.7 g/dL 32.0-36.0
  RDW 12.6 % 11.5-15.5
  PLT 241 3/uL 130.0-400.0
  NE% 59.4 %
  LY% 29 %
  MO% 10.2 %
  EO% 1.4 %
  BA% 0 %
  NE# 3.6 3/uL 1.5-7.8
  LY# 1.7 3/uL 0.9-3.9
  MO# 0.6 3/uL 0.2-1.0
  EO# 0.1 3/uL 0.0-0.5
  BA# 0 3/uL 0.0-0.2
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Sodium 139 mmol/L 135.0-144.0
  Potassium 4.3 mmol/L 3.5-5.0
  Chloride 104 mmol/L 98.0-111.0
  CO2 28 mmol/L 22.0-32.0
  Anion Gap 7 mmol/L 3.0-11.0
  Glucose 98 mg/dL 65-99
  Calcium 9.4 mg/dL 8.6-10.3
  BUN 6 mg/dL 8.0-26.0
  Creatinine 0.86 mg/dL 0.60-1.30
  EGFR 97.4 >60.0
  Total Protein 8.1 g/dL 6.1-8.6
  Albumin 4.5 g/dL 3.5-5.0
  Globulin 3.6 g/dL 1.7-4.2
  A/G Ratio 1.3 calc 1.0-2.5
  T. Bilirubin 0.73 mg/dL 0.20-2.00
  AST 32 IU/L 12.0-41.0
  ALT 24 IU/L 8.0-63.0
  Alk Phos 61 IU/L 32.0-126.0
ESTRADIOL (82670) 7/19/2013 9:05
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Estradiol 89 pg/mL
TESTOSTERONE 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone 1368 ng/dL 168-758
LH 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  LH <0.20 mIU/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s): Male: 1.24 - 8.62 mIU/mL (
FSH (Male) 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  FSH <0.20 mIU/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s) Male 1.27 - 19.26 mIU/mL Female: Mid-Follicular Phase 3.85 - 8.78 mIU/mL Mid-Cycle Peak 4.54 - 22.51 mIU/mL Mid-Luteal Phase 1.79 - 5.12 mIU/mL Postmenopausal 16.74 - 113.59 mIU/mL
PSA-Hybritech 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  PSA-Hybritech 0.14 ng/mL 0.008-4.000
   Note: PSA assay performed using Beckman-Coulter Hybritech chemiluminescence method. Values from different assay methods cannot be used interchangeably. PSA values, regardless of value, should not be interpreted as absolute evidence of the presence or absence of disease.
ESTRADIOL 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Estradiol 43 pg/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s): Males
PSA-Hybritech 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  PSA-Hybritech 0.14 ng/mL 0.008-4.000
   Note: PSA assay performed using Beckman-Coulter Hybritech chemiluminescence method. Values from different assay methods cannot be used interchangeably. PSA values, regardless of value, should not be interpreted as absolute evidence of the presence or absence of disease.
TESTOSTERONE 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone 1368 ng/dL 168-758
LH 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  LH <0.20 mIU/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s): Male: 1.24 - 8.62 mIU/mL (
PROLACTIN 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Prolactin 4.28 ng/mL 2.64-13.13
FSH (Male) 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  FSH <0.20 mIU/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s) Male 1.27 - 19.26 mIU/mL Female: Mid-Follicular Phase 3.85 - 8.78 mIU/mL Mid-Cycle Peak 4.54 - 22.51 mIU/mL Mid-Luteal Phase 1.79 - 5.12 mIU/mL Postmenopausal 16.74 - 113.59 mIU/mL
hTSH/ Reflex FT4 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  hTSH Reflex FT4 1.13 uIU/mL 0.34-4.50
CBC/PLT AUTO DIFF, Reflex Anemia Panel (85025) 8/13/2013 9:50
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  WBC 4.5 3/uL 3.8-10.8
  RBC 4.93 6/uL 4.20-6.10
  HGB 16.2 g/dL 13.2-18.0
  HCT 48.3 % 38.5-52.0
  MCV 97.9 fL 80.0-94.0
  MCH 32.8 pg 28.5-32.5
  MCHC 33.5 g/dL 32.0-36.0
  RDW 12.3 % 11.5-15.5
  PLT 254 3/uL 130.0-400.0
  NE% 54 %
  LY% 30.9 %
  MO% 13.4 %
  EO% 1.7 %
  BA% 0 %
  NE# 2.4 3/uL 1.5-7.8
  LY# 1.4 3/uL 0.9-3.9
  MO# 0.6 3/uL 0.2-1.0
  EO# 0.1 3/uL 0.0-0.5
  BA# 0 3/uL 0.0-0.2
Testosterone,Free and Total 10/31/2013 9:10
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Testosterone, Serum 1454 ng/dL 348-1197
  Free Testosterone(Direct) 36.6 pg/mL 7.2-24.0
ESTRADIOL (82670) 10/31/2013 9:10
  Panel/Test Value Unit Normal Range
  Estradiol 64 pg/mL
   Note: Reference Range(s): Males