Homebrew after introduction.
- Introduce yourself. Include age, traning history,rough estimate of current lifting stats, previous cycle history, cycle goals, reason for wanting to use AAS if it’s a first cycle (gain, lose, pre-contest, sport specific, etc).
I am 21 I have been training for 6 years. My PR’s are Bench: 335 Squat: 500 Deadlift: 465
This will be my first cycle. I am looking to put on 20+ lbs of gains.
- Clearly layout a cycle proposal. Include duration of specific drugs and doses. Include specific reasons for the drug choices.
Weeks 1-6
Tren 60mg/ED
Weeks 1-8
Test Prop 75mg/ED
- Include ancillary drugs you will use and plans for PCT.
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Homebrew Shopping Cart:
Fina Cartridges
Syno Cartridges
(6) 100ml sterile vial
(50) 3 ml 1’ 22g
(5) Whatham .45um
Benzyl Benzoate 50ml
Wesson Oil
(100) Alcohol Prep Pad
Homebrew Gameplan(PLEASE CRITIQUE):
Step 1: Put 2.52g(60mg per day) of Fina into 100ml vial
Planned Total Volume = 42ML
Step 2: Add Wesson Oil to 37.8ML
Step 3: Use sonicator to dissolve
Step 4: Filter through Whatham
Step 5: Add 1/10th Total Volume of BenzylB, 4.2ML for total volume of 42ML
Step 6: 42 Injections of 1ML daily for 60mg/ED
4.2mlBB + 2.52gFINA + 37.8mlOIL divided into 2520 = 60mg/ml
Step 1: Put 4.2g(8 weeks 75mg per day) of Syno into 50ml vial
Planned Total Volume = 42ML
Same Steps as Fina
56 Injections of .75ML daily for 75mg/ED
4.2mlBB + 4.2gSYNO + 37.8mlOIL divided into 4200 = 100mg/ml
Can I load up my fina injection then put the syringe into another vial to load up my syno injection and do both as one injection? Will this compromise the sterility? Should I make it two separate injections instead?
I plan on rotating glutes, lats, delts. Is 1’ big enough for glutes? Is 1’ too big for delts? I am open for different site injections. I feel like lats will be the easiest.